
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fred Thompson Makes A Serious Error

By his works ye shall know him...

Up until now, I've had a `wait and see' attitude towards the candidacy of Fred Thompson, in spite of his light resume. The fact that a lot of people, especially in his home state seem to have a fairly high opinion of him was reason enough for me to keep an open mind,pending further data.

That's no longer true. Fred Thompson just revealed a lot about himself by picking, of all people, ex-Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham as his campaign manager.

I'm actually quite familiar with Abraham. As Michigan's senator, he was a major proponent of open borders and actually received a major award from The National Council of La Raza in 1997 for his sterling work in obstructing any kind of control of immigration.

And as Michelle Malkin reveals here, Spencer Abraham was also instrumental in preventing the implementation of two different tracking databases–one for foreign student visa holders and the other for all temporary visitors mandated by US law. On September 11, 2001, neither of those databases was in place, and they remain incomplete as I write this.

Even worse, Abraham, an Arab-American of Lebanese decent has consistently come down on the wrong side when it comes to Islamic terrorism, consistently voted against Israel and was actually a lobbyist for Arab nations after he stepped down as energy secretary under President George W. Bush's administration.

Blogpal Debbie Schlussel, who knows him quite well has the details here, including Abraham's being one of only two Senators in the U.S. Senate who refused to sign a letter calling on President Clinton to condemn Palestinian terrorism and Yasser Arafat, at the height of the homicide bombings in Israel in the last part of Mr. Bill's second term, and his shilling for CAIR, and other questionable Islamists, as well as his sponsorship of USAid grants fro aid to Hezbollah controlled South Lebanon to the tune of over $200 million.

No one who's serious about winning the War Against Jihad would want a tool like Abraham anywhere near him.Either Thompson was ignorant about Abraham's background, which means he lacks the judgment to be president, or he knew about it and appointed Abraham anyway...which means that no one who's serious about fighting this war should remotely consider supporting him.

I'll be interested to hear what Thompson himself has to say about this...and his supporters, many of whom I know to be extremely decent people.


  1. Hi Freedom Fighter,

    Great post !! Thanks for your comment over at Aaron's Rod !! I really appreciate your encouraging words !!

    This thing about Fred Thompson has really disappointed me !! It's not looking great for 2008 !!

    Conservatives are so split right now !!

    I want a candidate who will really stand with Israel and will stand-up to Islamists, not one who will offer lip service like, "I support Israel's right to exist", (and then pick pro-Islamists to head-up their campaign) !!

    Well duh !! I'm sorry to have to inform the conservative candidates that to get my support, they've got to do better than that !!

    How about ..... ???

    How about ... fighting alongside Israel against Jihad !!

    How about ... saying NO to this so-called 2 state solution !!

    How about ... helping Israel to retake Gaza, ...

    and fighting together to deal with the Iranian threat !!

    How about ... no more talk of "land for peace" !!

    How about ... the Arabs (who are already in Israel), can either live at peace in Israel, or leave !!

    How about ... saying NO to Syria on the Golan Heights !!

    How about ... (just for starters), moving our embassey to Jerusalem, Israel's eternal capitol !!

    How about ... actually FIGHTING this so-called "War on Terrorism", not just playing patty-cake !!!

    Now THIS would be what I could call a TRUE friend and supporter of Israel, and a Commander-and-Chief who would "GET-IT-DONE" when it comes to the "WAR on Terrorism" !!

    Know of a candidate that would be brave enough to do just half of these things ???


  2. Hey Elaine,
    How goes it?

    Thanks for the kind words.

    The Arabs have spent millions of dollars to buy politicians, infiltrate academia and generate PR to demonize Israel and convince people that Islamic terrorism has its roots in the perceived `injustice' towards the so-called `Palestinians'...and that all will be well if we essentially `give them the Jews'.

    This argument resonates especially well with the Left because Israel is an ally of America...and the Arabs see it that way too, and realize what a defeat for the West the destruction of the Little Satan would be, even if many people in the West don't.

    Israel is a front in this war, whether people realize it or not.

    As far as candidates go, the only two who I think `get it', ralize the nature of the conflict we're in and and fulfill the conditions you mention are Duncan Hunter and Rudy Giuliani.

    Neither one is perfect and neither one has been exposed to the issues and temptations of the presidency yet, but so far I think they're our best bet.

    You might enjoy reading this for some of my thoughts on the matter:

    J O S H U A P U N D I T: Leadership, history and our next president


    BTW..which part of Tennessee are you in, if I may ask? I'm guessing Memphis.
