
Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Major Test For Rudy

Rudy Giuliani has been the most outspoken of any of the candidates on the topic of Islamic fascism, and it's gotten him his very own fatwa from know, the Saudi and UAE funded Islamist group who are unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial.

CAIR has now put out one of their infamous action alerts on the GOP candidate because he dared take the democrat presidential hopefuls to task for not using the words `Islamic terrorism':

"At no time during their three debates have they used the words 'Islamic terrorists,'" Giuliani said of the Democratic contenders who as he spoke were debating at The Citadel military college in South Carolina.

CAIR is asking their people to contact the Giuliani campaign and express their outrage that anyone would dare make a connection between Islam and terrorism.

I encourage Joshua's Army to encourage Rudy Giuliani to stand up to them, and to let his campaign know that knuckling under to these folks is not something we're prepared to accept in a potential commander in chief.

Or,as I put in in my own e-mail, we've already had the experience of living with a president with his lips superglued to the Saudi's posteriors...we don't need a repeat performance. should probably be more polite than I was, gang! In any event, let Giuliani's campaign hear from you.

Here's the contact info:

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee
295 Greenwich St, #371, New York, NY 10007
Tel: 212-835-9449, 646-943-7890

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 PM should probably be more polite than I was,

    uhhh, .....WHY???
