
Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Syrian Army Moves Back Into Lebanon

Syrian troops have made an incursion into Lebanon of about three kilometers, in a clear violation of UN Resolution 1709 that no one is going to bother calling them on at this point. The Syrians have reportedly taken up a position near Yanta in east Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley and are digging a large network of trenches and bunkers along the Lebanese they obviously plan to stay there awhile.

Syria, of course, is supplying arms and ammo to Palestinian groups fighting the Lebanese army at Nahr al-Bared and other locations, as well as to Hezbollah...and the Beqaa Valley is, essentially, a Hezbollah state within Lebanon.

Another indication of the way things look to be going is the Syrians' re-opening of the Damascus-Golan road to Quneitra to traffic for the first time in 40 years. This will allow Syrian military, Hezbollah fighters and Syrian-trained Palestinian terrorists to cross the Golan border in civilian clothes for attacks on Israel without Syria being directly blamed..the same game tSyria and Iran are playing in Iraq.

The Syrians and Hezbollah are preparing for war anyway...possibly as soon as later on this summer.The large scale IDF training maneuvers are an indication that Israel is seeing things the same way....stay tuned...


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    how easily some people forget:The Golan Heights are syrian property.The whole world,particulary the US should tell Israel to get the HELL out of the GOLAN

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    And thank you for providing a superb glimpse into the Arab mindset.

    IF you read carefully, you will see that the Syrian incursion I'm writing about occurred in the Hezbollah stronghold of the Bek'aa, not the Golan Heights by a long shot, and nowhere near the Israeli border.

    And it is part of the ongoing Syrian effort to control Lebanon and subvert the Siniora government.

    The only way to relate this to Israel is, like I said, an example of the typical Arab mindset..Everything is the fault of the Evil Jooos, right?

    As for the Golan, Syria, like virtually all of the Arab countries except maybe Egypt is an artificial construct...and not written in stone by any means...The Turks owned it a lot longer than the Arabs.

    Maybe if the Syrian government wasn't led by genocidal racists who have tried to kill every Jew in Israel several times, the Golan wouldn't be part of Israel today.

    Embracing evil, combined with military incompetence and failure DOES have some consequences. And frankly, the Jews are doing a lot more with the Golan than the Syrians ever did.

    Buh bye now!

