
Friday, July 20, 2007

Watcher's Council Results 7/20/07

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, the infamous Watcher of Weasels

This week's winner is Bookworm Room: Harry Potter and Ostrich Syndrome Ms. Bookworm's superb piece on how popular culture is embracing traditional heroic values while many of the elites are indulging in avoidance -and just in time for the release of the final book in the series - Well done, Ms. Bookworm!

In second place, there was a three way tie between:

Right Wing Nuthouse: Are conservatives really hoping for another 9/11? Rick's fine piece on SecHomSec Chertoff's `gut feeling' on an al-Qaeda attack and the Left's decrying of it.

Soccer Dad: A President's Legacy Quick Fix Playground -- The Middle East Soccer Dad's excellent analysis of President's Bush's new Middle East policy,


Callimachus: Pangloss Cal's well written posing of a question to the Left on Iraq: `OK, we leave. Are you prepared to accept what might happen next?'

For non-Council, the winner was Myths and Realities of the George Bush Presidency Arnold Kling's examination of the Bush presidency.

In second place for non-Council was my nomination, All Things Beautiful:Politics of Terror Reign Supreme in which my friend Baroness Alexandra returns after a hiatus with a fine essay on the cancer of radical Islam in the West and how the Left multiculturalist stance is enabling it.

Hearty Kudos to all the winners!

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