
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

CIA And FBI Agent With Ties To Hezbollah Guilty Of Security Breach

A naturalized citizen of the US who had a security clearence and worked for the CIA and the FBI has pled guilty in a plea bargain to immigration fraud and to a security breach.

Nada Nadim Prouty, a Lebanese national and resident of Virginia, entered the United States on a student visa and earned citizenship through a fake marriage after her visa ran out. She then went to work for the FBI and later at the CIA in what's been described as a `mid level position.'

In April 1999 she was hired by the FBI to work in its Washington office as a special agent working on crimes against US citizens overseas.

The charges said that in 2000 and 2003 she probed FBI computers for records on herself, her sister and Talal Khalil Chahine, her brother in law, and on a Detroit area investigation FBI investigation into Hezbollah.

For those of you who don't know, the Detroit area, especially `Dearbornistan' is a major center of Lebanese Shiites and support for Hezbollah.

Chahine is wanted here in the US for income tax evasion, bribery and extortion charges. He's also suspected of major ties to Hezbollah and is now believed to be in Lebanon. He's also been linked by the US Justice Department with with Hezbollah leader Sheik Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, who's a designated global terrorist.

Prouty pled guilty in a plea bargain to charges involving `improper access of information' as well as naturalization fraud.Prouty has admitted to paying an unemployed man in 1990 to marry her after her student visa ran out, using the fake marriage to obtain US citizenship in 1994, and divorcing her husband the next year. There's some evidence that the initial money for the fraudulent marriage may have come from Chahine. The news is mostly being confined to the local Detroit area, were she worked and resided.

The naturalization charge is a big one, since it involves defrauding the US government. It carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison and a 250,000 dollar fine, as well as removal of her citizenship.

As part of the plea bargain, Prouty has agreed to fully cooperate with the prosecutors....although knowing Hezbollah, she probably doesn't know much of value.

We need to be much more careful about whom we let into the country, and especially whom we give security clearances to.

As experts like Steve Emerson have testified to time and again, the are indeed Hezbollah cells here in America.

Our enemies are here, within the gates.


  1. I agree with a lot of the comment. The Jewish Community leaders in the UK have been noticeable by their silence. The Chief Rabbi occasionally appears in a photo op with leaders from Hindu, Sikh and Muslim communities. I have even been told 'keep quiet', 'why are you raising the profile of Jews in the UK' for my minor postings here and on eureferendum. It means Muslim leaders can deny their is endemic anti-semitism among Islamic activists - 'if their was a problem with anti-semitism Jewish leaders would be complaining - they haven't !!'. The BBC uses the same excuse to ignore anti-semitism by saying that Jewish leaders have not complained. Fortunately Channel 4 have done their own reporting and investigation of anti-Semitism. The silence of Jewish leaders in the face of anti-Semitism in the UK is like that of German Jews in the 1930's. Then we got Fascism today we get Islamo-Fascism.

  2. Hello Ivan,
    I also have my problems with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, who spent a great deal of time having tea with radical Islamists and using the anti-Jewish Guardian to shill for his book on diversity instead of providing forceful leadership for the Jews of Britainin th eface of an existential threat.

    As a matter of fact, I had a bit of correspondance with the rabbi,or more accurately, his staff, since Rabbi Sacks declined to directly answer some politely phrased if pointed questions. In my last e-mail, I predicted that the rabbi would reap the whirlwind he had helped to sow, and lo and behold, a year afterwards he was whinging about how he felt `uncomfortable' being a Jew in Britain, for the first time in his life, and about a `tsunami of anti-Semitism' in Britain!

    And BTW, there's a link to the Channel Four documentary you mention onsite here if you do a search.

    I truly feel for you, Ivan. If I were a Jew in Britain, I would have left long ago.

    Actually, I feel that way about a good chunk of western Europe and Scandanavia.

    Thanks for dropping by.
