
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Al Qaeda's Last Stand In Iraq

Operation Lion's Roar is nearing victory in Iraq.

American and Iraqi forces are in the process of pushing Al-Qaeda out of its last stronghold in Iraq in Mosul:

After being forced from its strongholds in the west and centre of Iraq in the past two years, Al-Qaeda’s dwindling band of fighters has made a defiant “last stand” in the northern city of Mosul.

A huge operation to crush the 1,200 fighters who remained from a terrorist force once estimated at more than 12,000 began on May 10.

Operation Lion’s Roar, in which the Iraqi army combined forces with the Americans’ 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment, has already resulted in the death of Abu Khalaf, the Al-Qaeda leader, and the capture of more than 1,000 suspects. {...}

The number of foreign fighters coming over the border from Syria to bolster Al-Qaeda’s numbers is thought to have declined to as few as 20 a month, compared with 120 a month at its peak.

Brigadier General Abdullah Abdul, a senior Iraqi commander, said: “We’ve limited their movements with check-points. They are doing small attacks and trying big ones, but they’re mostly not succeeding.”

Major-General Mark Hertling, American commander in the north, said: “I think we’re at the irreversible point.”

In Mosul, Al-Qaeda still controlled things as recently as April.Now it lacks the manpower to fight the allied army and keep control of its last base of operations in Iraq. Even worse for Al Qaeda, it's lost its the support of most of the ordinary Iraqis who once romanticized the insurgency...until they got an up close and personal look at Al Qaeda's brutality and barbarism.

It's fascinating that this report comes from a British paper, the London Times, and is getting zero coverage here in the US.

Of course, if we end up with President Obama, Iraq might become a hellhole worth reporting on...provided the dinosaur media can figure out a way to pin the mess on Bush.

Al Qaeda made Iraq its central front in their war against us, and we defeated them, which is what you have to do with evil. And our warriors and the Iraqis succeeded in spite of the Angry Left's propaganda,deceit and blatant attempts at sabotage.

Remember that come November.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    just wait till the election is over and the long nights return.
