
Friday, July 04, 2008

Britain's Top Judge: Sharia Is Just Alright With Me...

Britain's Daily Mail quotes the UK's top judge, Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips as saying that sharia law between Muslims is just fine with him:

Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips said that Islamic legal principles could be employed to deal with family and marital arguments and to regulate finance.

He declared: 'Those entering into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law.'

In his speech at an East London mosque, Lord Phillips signalled approval of sharia principles as long as punishments - and divorce rulings - complied with the law of the land.{...}

'Those who are in dispute are free to subject it to mediation or to agree that it shall be resolved by a chosen arbitrator. There is no reason why principles of sharia law or any other religious code should not be the basis for mediation or other forms of dispute resolution.'

What these people don't understand is that sharia by its very nature mandates inequality and the subjugated inferior status of women. And because it is derived directly from the Qu'ran, to Muslims it is not subject to change to accommodate British Common Law promulgated by a bunch of dhimmis.

Imagine the pressures and threats levied against a woman in a male ruled Muslim household who wants to handle a divorce, an inheritance battle or a child custody matter based on British law rather than Sharia!

I can, but obviously Lord Phillips lacks that perspective.

The British Ministry of Justice waffled after Lord Phillip's abasement at the mosque, releasing a statement that said:'English law takes precedence over any other legal system. The Government has no intention of changing this position. Alongside this, it is possible to resolve civil law dispute by other systems.'

Are they kidding themselves? If sharia becomes acceptable law in certain communities in Britain, say goodbye to the concept of one law for one people. And watch how slippery the slope gets as Muslims become a law unto themselves and become a totally separate country within the UK.

And let's not be under any illusions. Sharia and Islamism are not going to simply co-exist with the non-Muslim world. They have a mandate to dominate and rule.

Let's see...the Islamists have already co-opted the Archbishop of Canterbury, most of the Labour Party, the BBC,most of the schools, the Lord Chief Justice and are now working on the rest of the legal establishment.

And Prince Charles,the 'defender of the faiths' hasn't even taken over as King yet!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    that lord chief justice twit appears to be the poster child for elitism.
    if it weren't for all that EUism stuff, i'd say they've blown their chances of being the 51st state.
