
Friday, July 04, 2008

Bush Greets New American Citizens at Monticello Ceremony - And Gets Heckled

On his final Independence Day in office, President Bush took part of his July Fourth to participate in a naturalization ceremony at Thomas Jefferson's home in Monticello, saying "I'll be proud to call you a fellow American."

It's a pretty decent speech, but it was marred by protesters from the Angry Left heckling the president and chanting the usual slogans.To his credit, President Bush merely smiled and said, "Yes, we believe in free speech here in America."

One of the hallmarks of the Angry Left is a total disregard for anyone's feelings or concerns but their own immediate gratification. They obviously could give a damn about the feelings of the people assembled there to hear the president speak or the new citizens who's special day was marred by these cretins.

I'm not particularly a fan of the current president, but oafish, rude and unnecessary behavior like this is beyond the pale.

This malignent narcissism is not 'freedom', but its polar opposite, designed to impinge on other people's liberty and provide an attention fix and ego gratification for these miscreants.

Or as Ben Franklin once famously put it, "Your liberty ends where the other man's nose begins."


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    what's the point of having 'free speech' if nobody is listening?

    Good Riddance Bush, and may the next President be not as bad as him.

  2. So Anonymous, you think people should be COMPELLED to listen to Leftist drivel whether they want to or not?

    That's truly a Leftard notion of what 'freedom' is, I guess.


