
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's Started:Government Okays Newspaper Bailout

I guarantee you, this will be the first of many. The Left is going to use your tax dollars to prop up their propaganda outlets.

Washington's Democrat governor Christine Gregoire just approved a 40% tax cut for newspaper printers and publishers. Fortunately, it came too late to save the grossly misnamed Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which printed its final edition earlier this year and was converted to an Internet-only publication.

Look for the New York Times and the Boston Globe to be next.

I have an idea that could simplify things. Let's just have one newspaper, give it to Pinch Sulzberger to run and call it Pravda.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie9:54 AM

    my my.
    i've been coming to J/P for, oh, a couple of weeks now.
    and i've done so, because i found early on what i could learn from ff, as opposed to being lectured to by others less informed than he.
    that is neither patronizing or a complement.
    just a statement of fact.
    but i must say.
    with this latest posting, ff is starting to sound an awfully lot like LL.
    pissed off almost.
    my my.

    i thinks it's time for one of LL waaaay off topic comments.
    usually when i would watch iba news at night, they would have on a guy named danny alylon. i know i'm not spelling that correctly. gentiles have problems spelling those evil joo names. anyway, what impressed me about him was he answered the questions that they asked him. directly and to the point. he wouldn't talk around the question or answer a different question. and i would think why doesn't this guy get a job as prime minister instead of the putz they had at the time. one of the things this alylon fella would do though is he would always talk up bibi. i thought why not talk yourself up once in a while. anyway last night some guy from africa was in israel meeting with israel's deputy foreign minister.
    and can you guess who israel's deputy foreign minister currently is?
    if you guessed this danny guy you would be correct.
    and i thought, and i don't know if this translates to hebrew or not, what a kawinkydink?
    bibi becomes PM and danny becomes deputy foreign minister.
    this has been a waaay off topic comment by LL.
