
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Feature...JoshuaPundit's Must Reads

Members of Joshua's Army might want to notice a new feature on the left hand side of the site below the Watcher's Council entitled 'Today's Must Reads'. This is a collection of links to pieces I consider important to bring to your attention, and will change daily or as needed. Read up, be informed and enjoy!

And if any members of Joshua's Army run across something you'd like included here, please e-mail me the link so I can take a look at it. Selah.

(graphic courtesy of The Webdesign Guru)


  1. louielouie2:41 PM

    well, the first article i read, i disagree with.
    disagreeable sort that i am.
    i think that on election eve 2012, hussein will still be throwing bush under the bus.
    if we have an election in 2012, i bet the theme of the election will be......
    lemme see.......
    can i think of what the theme will be.........
    whomever hussein's opponent is will be the second coming of bush, or just bush warmed over.
    that is unless hussein's opponent is prepared to do what ff said should have been done in 2008, and run against bush.
    i think that until bush says something back it will continue to be that way.
    and i don't think bush will ever say anything. i think he's happy he set the internationalist table for hussein, and now let him run with it.

  2. Hi Louie,
    Obama and the Democrats may very well be saying it..but will most of the American people buy it? Remember Lincoln's famous remarks on this topic.

  3. louielouie6:47 PM

    when lincoln spoke of fooling people, he wasn't speaking of an electorate as dumb as a sack of hair.
    nor did his comment address people who desire to be fooled.

  4. B.Poster7:11 PM

    At this point, I think its unlikely that the Democrats will control Congress in 2012. Right now I would say it is even money on whether or not Mr. Obama will still be in the White House by
    2012. He may well be impeached before then.

    Right now this is the "Bush economy." Obama was elected to fix the "Bush economy." I estimate that by the middle of 2010 this will become the "Ibama economy." In other words, blame Bush only goes so far. At that point the Democrats and Obama may decide to bring charges against Bush and his team and put them all in jail. This should be easy. After all no one likes them. But will this be enough to keep Obama and his allies in power.

    Unless the economy improves markedly by the middle of 2010 the Democrats will likely face an uphill climb. As I see it they would have two options. These are that somehow someway Obama's policies succeed where they have never succeeded before or he intends to use the police and the military to stay in power. Right now I don't envision them cooperating with his agenda but you never know. This seems like the only chance for Obama and the Democrats to remain in power past 2012.

    As Louie points out, the Republicans would greatly help themselves by running against Bush. I think they could also point out how Obama and Bush are alot alike. They both like massive deficit spending and massive meddling in areas where they have no business. Unfortunately this will be very difficult for them to do, as the party leadership has a center left mindset.

  5. louielouie9:37 PM

    I think they could also point out how Obama and Bush are alot alike.golly arsky, would i like to see that charge come up in a presidential debate?
    in this day and age when digital visual/audio clips are a dime a dozen, the sound bite of hussein saying bush started it we're just following through, could indeed bite him big time.
    i like it.
    hussein is serving bush's third term.
    i like it.

  6. louielouie9:52 PM

    also, what in the hell is caroline glick taking about??????
    i understand her numerations of the failing relations between the countries, and the repurcusions, but what green light?

  7. Thanks for linking to the Glick column. I missed it last week, and she's basically corroborated everything I've been saying about the Fraud's Israel policy since last year.

    It sucks being right all the time.

  8. Hi Y'all!

    Louie, what Caroline Glick is talking about is that since Obama has left Israel no other choice, they feel they have no choice but to go ahead and deal with Iran as necessary.
