
Monday, May 04, 2009

Rahm Emanuel Tries To Blackmail Israel

When I said here that the White House had not responded to Iran's threat to destroy Israel in 11 days, I was mistaken.

The White House indeed responded, in the person of White House Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

His response to Iran's genocidal threats? To go to the AIPAC conference in DC and threaten 300 prominent donors behind closed doors that 'thwarting' Iran's nukes depends on Israel knuckling under to the Palestinians.

I have absolutely no doubt that Rahm Emanuel said substantially this, even though this leak will undoubtedly be followed with 'clarifying remarks' from the White House.

Either the Obama Administration is trying to blackmail Israel, saying that the US will not assist in curtailing Iran's nuclear weapons program unless the Israelis give in to the Palestinian's demands or the message is that if Israel does everything the Arabs want, the Iranians will end their nuclear program.

This is crazy talk, frankly.

If Obama is attempting to blackmail Israel, it won't work, simply because at this point the Israelis know that sanctions won't work and the Obama Administration has no intention of atacking Iran's nuclear facilities or cooperating with an Israeli attempt to do so. All it does is to poison a relationship with a long time ally in a particularly despicable way.

If Obama has some kind of kumbayah idea that that Iran is going to magically be deterred from its nuclear and regional goals because Israel gives in to the Palestinians, he's even less connected with reality than I thought.

Either way it's inept, and dangerous to US security. And appeasement and a sign of weakness that would warm the heart of Neville Chamberlain.


  1. B.Poster8:57 PM

    There is really not much America can do to thwart Israel any way even if it wanted to. America's military is taxed almost to the breaking point and would be no match for the IDF. Its economy is deeply struggling and its national debt is massive and getting larger.

    With that said, the best approach for America right now would be to stay out of Israel's way. By trying to interfere in the affairs of a sovergin ally, it sends a bad message to the world and in trying to stop Israel from defending itself from Iran America only undermines its own national security. If this report is true, after Isreal deals with Iran I would expect the Israeli government to be VERY ANGRY at the American government and to act accordingly.

  2. louielouie9:16 PM

    not so much hussein's actions here, but those of this ram (not a typo) guy.
    were not his bonafides proclaimed as good news for israel in the wake of hussein's assension?
    ram (not a typo) in this case, reminds me sort of david's brother. can the joos declare him a traitor, and pursue/seek an international arrest warrant?

  3. Rahm is just doing the massah's bidding.

    Think of him as the opposite of Queen Esther, something that was noticed by someone else besides me. (scroll down to the end of this link).

    A lot of Jews will have to have it shoved in their faces before they realize who Obama actually is and what he stands for.One of the hardest things for people to do is to admit that they were wrong..

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    If anyone thinks a nuclear Iran will stop at destroyng ISrael, they are moronic. Once Israel is gone, Iran will be working to ship weapons into the US.

    Our president has no business hamstringing Israel in its efforts to protect itself from the Muslim vermin.

    I did not vote for Obama.

  5. B.Poster4:26 PM

    This is absolutely bone headed policy on the part of the US, if in fact it is true. Unfortunately I suspect it is true.

    If there is some good news, there is actually very little that America can do to Israel now or in the foreseeable future. America's economy is deeply struggling, its military is worn down almost to the breaking point, and its national debt is massive and getting larger. The countries Israel needs to worry about would be Russia, China, and Iran. Russia and China would almost certainly come to the aid of Iran in a confrontation with Israel. I would assume that Israel military planners have planned accordingly. In contrast, America poses no threat. Should it come to this, America's military is worn down almost to the breaking point, its troops are less well trained and not as well led as Israel's, and Israel has a large technological edge. America is no match for Israel. I pray it does not come to that though.

    The best course of action for America right now would be to stay out Israel's way. Iran poses a huge threat to America and America is not in a very good position to deal with it right now. Israel has a far better chance of effectively destroying or at least neutralizing the Iranian threat than America or any other Western nation does. Israel can deal with Iran whether America attempts to be an obstacle or not but it would be far better for America to simply stay out of the way. This is especially true since America is in no position to offer Israel any meaningful assistance here.

    Jeffery Levine'scomment above is spot on but I would add that Iran can probably multi-task. They are probably already working on shipping weapons into the US.

  6. louielouie5:55 PM

    i agree w/b.poster.
    if iran goes after israel first, then there's no getting into the US. they would/will have everything in place in the US *before* starting anything in israel.
    of course, these are the mullahs we're talking about...........
