Major General Ataollah Salehi, the current commander-in-chief of the Iranian Army made the announcement, according to German NTV which quotes him as promising “Destruction in 11 days”.
While Iran has promised to destroy Israel many times before, this is the first time Iran has ever made an announcement of a concrete timeline to destroy Israel. And of course, nothing out of the UN ( this is a clear violation of Article II of the UN Charter) or from the Obama Administration.
The time grows short. While I doubt that the Iranians have the capacity to do this just now, it's obvious that they will as soon as they have the capacity..perhaps using their Hamas or Hezbollah proxies.
It's shameful, but Israel is alone on this one. They need to act...and quickly.
I don't trust any other country to help Israel and haven't for a long time. Israel needs to act in Israel's best interest and not worry about the rest.
I would go under the assumption that Iran is serious and is capable of carrying out its threat within the eleven day time period. If the Commander is incapble of doing what he claims, then he loses credibility. As such, it would be best for Israel to assume Iran can carry out the threat within eleven days and intends to actually attempt to do so.
I agree that Israel is probably alone on this one. Sadly there really is not much America could do to help even if it wanted to. Unfortunately I don't trust the Obama Administration in particular or the US government in general. At least, there is very little the US can actually do to Israel right now even if it wanted to. The countries to worry about are Russia, China, and Iran. Russia and China would probably be expected to back the Iranians in a military confrontation. Israel will want to plan accordingly.
I pray Israel is successful in countering the Iran threat. After all, it is only a matter of time before Iran attacks America. The talking head pundits who obsessd with trying to prevent an American attack on Iran when Bush was in office obsessed about the wrong thing!! An American attack on Iran was never going to happen. What they should have been worrying about was trying to prevent the Iranian military attack on America!! If Israel successfully eliminates or at least neutralizes the Iranian threat, this would remove a major threat to America. May God grant Israel success.
i'm curious about something.
is the eleven days, a ticking clock until attack, or is it the timeline that it would take iran to defeat israel, if iran attacks at all.
Hi Louie,
I've heard both.
Poster,two things.
One , nothing comes out of anyone in the regime's mouth unless Khamanei and the Supreme Council of Guardians say so. Losing 'credibility' is not a faction.
Second, there's a great deal America could do to help or hinder an Israeli strike. Just looking the other way while the Israelis fly over Iraqi airspace would help tremendously, as would selling Israel the advanced refueling planes thay wanted.Obama will do neither.
Thanks for the reply to my post. With must respect, as I think you are the best political blogger on the web, I think the Supreme Council of Guardians would check with the military before a statement like this is issued. Again, if they can't carry it out, their credibility among their people and the broader Middle East suffers. As such, I'll reiterate Israeli military planners should assume the threat is real and that Iran has the capability to make good on the threat and they will attempt to carry it out.
I'm aware of the problem of refueling and crossing Iraqi airspace. There appear to be other routes Israel could take but Iraq appears to be the most direct route. Getting through Iraqi air space undetected should not be too much a problem. I'm assuming that the IDF has trained for a strike on Iran. Iran is protected by Russian air defense systems. These systems are far superior to any thing America has. In other words, I'm assuming Israel has devised a plan to to defeat the Russian made air defense system that Iran has in place. If this is so, defeating any system America has installed in Iraq would be quite easy in comparison to defeating the Russian system.
As for the "advanced refueling planes," I'm aware the United States is not selling these to Israel. If Israel wants them, I think, we should sell it to them. Unfortunately I think it is highly unlikely that Iraq's soverign government will allow the United States or anyone else to bring one of those into Iraqi territory or Iraqi air space. The United States is in the process of a full withdrwl from Iraq. I think the US government would like to somewhat save face in doing this. Also, I would assume that Israel has developed their own comparable technology by now. In addition, we would expect the Iranians to notice these refueling planes especially if they are American built. These planes would need significant modification by the Israelis in order to be effective. I think it would be easier for Israel to build their own refuelig plane. I would suspect by now they have something in place to handle this issue.
If not, simply obliterate Iran's defenses and land there. Do the refueling in Iran. The US Air Force is not going to be able to stop them crossing Iraqi air space even if they wanted to.
Now if Israeli leaders do not want to do any thing about Iran right now, they may use America as an excuse. In summary, it is very unlikely America can stop Israel right now even if it wanted to. Israel needs to act in its best interest regardless of the so called "special relationship" with America.
Israel supposedly has good relations with India right now. If Israel needs refueling planes, they don't have comparable technology on hand, or the ability to construct it soon, and the Americans want to be total as$es about it and not sell it to them Israel should be able to get comparable technology from India.
Sorry about the multiple posts here. What does seem clear is if Israel is unable to adequately solve the refueling problem, then it would mean it would be more likely that Israel would use nuclear weapons against Iran in order to eliminate the threat. This means the damage would be more extensive than it might be otherwise. Nevertheless, how much damage is done to Iran is not the main concern. Eliminating the threat to America and Israel is the main concern. Any attempt at American assistance of Israel would almost certainly lead to an attack by Iran and their allies on America. The American military is no position right now to be able to successfully thwart an Iranian attack on America or any where else. This may partially explain why they are reluctant to assist Israel. Also, unfortunately many in the American government simply do not like Israel.
As I've stated before, America's best bet would be to get out of Israel's way. It seems unlikely America can actually thrwart Israel even if it wanted to. All such an attempt would accomplish would be to increase the collateral damage in Iran, again not the main concern, Such an attempt to thwart Israeli national interests would anger an ally. This is somethng that American officials need to think carefully about. Israel can hurt America far more than America can hurt it. The idiots in the Obama Administration need to think about this.
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