
Monday, December 07, 2009

The Latest ObamaCare Moves...

While today's emphasis in the news cycle is on the bogus Global warming nonsense,there were a couple of interesting moves on ObamaCare and the efforts to get it passed.

The latest wrinkle the Dems have come up to masage their Left base and preserve the so-called public option ( a euphemism for government run healthcare) is to 'open up MediCare', by which they mean allowing people to enroll at a much earlier age and expanding the coverage to essentially include all Americans.

Let's translate that, shall we? MediCare is a system that's already in trouble, is already running up a major deficit and is plagued with severe fraud problems.

So let's overload the system ever further and make the problem even worse by expanding it to people it was never intended to cover, OK?

Brilliant idea! And if you think that if this is adopted it's not going to involve rationing care, especially to the elderly, you're as wacko as the bright boys in Congress who thought this up.

In further news, Democrat Senator Ben Nelson and Republican Senator Orrin Hatch filed their joint amendment to tighten restrictions on federal funding for abortion, based on the Stupak Amendment in the House bill. Even if it passes the Senate,(which I doubt) I guarantee you the House Democrats will perform a partial birth abortionon this legislation just as they will to the Stupak Amendment.

Their base will not accept any restrictions on the right to abort children, and the President ( who's a proponent of infanticide) likewise won't sign it.

Oh, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today compared the Senate Republicans with opponents of ObamaCare to supporters of slavery... I guess he forgot which party it was that actually DID support slavery and which party opposed it.

Stay classy, Senator.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie9:58 AM

    i'm starting to wonder.........
    i'm somewhat confused.........
    is this ff writing this essay.....
    i wonder.........
    ff is starting to sound a lot like J/P commenter LL.
    oh my!
    that would be awful............
