Welcome to today's must reads in news, politics and opinion, hand picked by Natasha.
Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at
rmill2k@msn.com and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself. Or if you prefer, you can send it attention Natasha, our official must reads Avatar..she loves mail.
ABC news: Democratic Exodus Roils 2010 Landscape
ABC news: Democrats Dropping Like Flies
Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail: Security Theatre of the Absurd Big Government: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Military Blogger Michael Yon Detained, Handcuffed by TSA in Seattle Airport
Thomas Friedman, NYT:Muslim World Must Publicly Denounce Jihad Terrorism
Doug Ross: My first prediction for 2010: Illinois-based terrorists to be freed, unionized, hired as TSA baggage screeners
Washington Times :Iran's al-Qaeda connection in Yemen
Fausta :Panty bomber Abdulmutallab's London al-Qaeda connection
WSJ: US Probes Cleric's Tie to Plot
Andrew McCarthy/NROHill:The 'Fire Napolitano' Debate
WSJ:The Administration has ways of making terrorists not talk.
Daniel Pipes, Jerusalem Post :America's Mickey Mouse Air Security
NBC News: Chicago police may ditch entrance exam to boost minority hiring
Victor Davis Hanson : Obama as Greek Tragedy—Part One
Dinah Lord:Dems to bar Republicans from health care negotiations.
NRO media Blog: The Obama/C-SPAN Lie
The Hill: WH Ducks questions on C-SPAN Promises
Phyllis Schlafley :10 reasons ObamaCare can still be killed
Ralph Peters:Do the Mullahs Care Today is Obama's Deadline?
Rasmussen :58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane terrorist To Get Information
Michael Yon: Into Thine Hand I Commit My Spirit
Mudville Gazette:Taliban Kill 8 CIA Agents in Afghanistan
Fouad Ajami/WSJ :A cold-blooded foreign policy
Chicago Tribune :Massive Rally backs Iran's leaders
Bloomberg :Iran Prosecutor Threatens to Try Opposition Leaders
Tehran Times:Opposition figures arrested after Iran protests
Jerusalem Post:US Iran sanctions to be targeted, mild - Obama Administration to block bills which would affect refined fuel imports
Jerusalem Post:Gen-X Zionist
The Illegal-Settlements Myth
YNET17% rise in immigration to Israel during 2009
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