
Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Change Of The Guard Is Badly Needed In The GOP

Leave it to the GOP establishment to drop the ball when it counts.

Lessee..first we have the revelation that the RNC under Michael Steele has been spending like sailors in a red light district on Liberty night, but that some of that money, donated by people who are hurting but want their country back went to pay for strip clubs and a West Hollywood bondage dungeon.

At this point, even Sarah Palin wants her name off the RNC fundraiser letters.

And the hits just keep on coming. Amid rumors that RNC Chairman Steele was badgering the RNC to buy him a private plane and a host of other RNC staff blunders, we get the following nonsense:

  • Steele meeting with a bunch of illegal alien amnesty activists in his office, essentially ignoring on the party's conservative base. And to make matters worse, they got headlines saying that Steele made commitments to them that the GOP would support amnesty. Steele promptly denied it, but too little and too late.

    Isn't it bad enough that GOP Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham were part of the spearhead trying to ram amnesty down our collective throats and that Graham just recently gave the Obama Administration 'bi-partisan' cover by preparing a so-called immigration reform draft policy?

  • Resignations from the RNC by high level fundraisers and even officers over the profligate spending and Michael Steele's self-serving and misguided leadership. As I remarked before, he should have been fired a long time ago.

    Sooner or later, if you're Michael Steele, you're running the show, things are going poorly and your donors are deserting in droves, isn't it time to look in the mirror and decide whether you're hanging around because you're making a difference or because of your own ego?

  • Mixed messages on repealing ObamaCare from GOP Senate leadership:

    Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, who chairs the committee responsible for electing GOP senators this fall, said in an interview, "The focus really should be on the misplaced priorities of the administration" and Congress' Democratic leaders.

    "The No. 1 concern of the public is jobs and people losing their homes," he said. "The administration has been obsessing on this health care bill."

    Asked if he advises Republican Senate candidates to call for repealing the law, Cornyn said: "Candidates are going to test the winds in their own states. ... In some places, the health care bill is more popular than others."

    On Tuesday, Cornyn issued a 1,280-word campaign memo that mentioned "repeal" only once. It did not advocate repeal but noted that in a recent poll, "46 percent of respondents support a full repeal" of the health law.

I wonder..could this be why the GOP doesn't have competitive Senatorial candidates yet in New York, Wisconsin or Washington yet, even though candidates exist (Ex-Governor George Pataki in New York, Ex-Governor Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin and Dino Rossi in Washington) who outpoll the Democrat incumbents?

Do Cornyn and those with his mindset enjoy being crapped on? I don't.

This goes beyond labels like 'liberal' and 'conservative' and strikes at the whole reason for the resistance to Obama and his minions. If certain Republicans think that the activists in this country are going to simply vote them into power as Democrat-lite just because they don't have a "d" after their names, faggedaboudit.

Aside from being big time cowardice and lack of principle - the Republicans, after all, are trying to push the message that they are the party of fiscal responsibility - it's an exercise in futility. Faced with a choice between Democrat and Democrat-lite, the Donkeys always win.

We are facing a situation where the Angry Left is in power with few if any impediments. We have a country to save and the 2010 election is beyond crucial.If the GOP establishment isn't capable of manning up and doing its part to retake the country, maybe it finally is time they went the way of the mastodon.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie10:43 AM

    considering my recent disagreement with ff regarding S/P campaigning for the incumbent senator from AZ, i was/am very happy to read this essay.
    ff no-doubt has objectivity to contend with, and i'm sure has little use for my continued rednek badgering.
    while i do not wish to give the socialists the political ammunition that the demise of the GOP would afford them, it is high time that people step forward who are committed to small/limited gov't, individual self reliance, and a strong nat'l defense, that now includes our nat'l borders. it is time for them to step forward and seek public service.
    thank you ff for writing this essay. it was objective without piling on.
    no, that was not a patronizing concluding comment.
    has anyone ever noticed that the word patronizing has as it's foundation the word patron?
    and no, not the sponsor, the tequila.
    i bet ff has noticed that.
    quite often.
