
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Israel's C-130J Transport Purchase Stalled In DC - Awaits 'Political Decision'

Since Barack Hussein Obama took office in January 2009, the White House has had what amounts to a de facto arms embargo on Israel. The US has not okayed a single one of Israel's military requests for arms purchases, nor has the Pentagon announced any weapons contracts to Israel over that 14 month period. And yes, that gives the lie to people that insist that the problems between our ally Israel and Barack Hussein Obama are the result of some kind of Israeli 'insult.'

It's worth noting that this is going on while the US is still supplying Lebanon with military aid that will end up being used by Hezbollah, and building the Palestinian Authority a US supplied army under General Keith Dayton.

Last week, the embargo was apparently broken when a contract was announced for a deal to sell Israel three Hercules C-130J unarmed transports, a deal worth about $210 million, which is chicken feed by the standards of arms deals.

Guess again.

According to White House officials, the deal is concluded, but actually announcing it and and going forward requires what a White House spokesman called ' a political decision' .

In other words, the Obama Administration is not even willing to sell Israel unarmed cargo planes unless they cave in under to what is undoubtedly the first of many demands.

There is a bright side to all this, believe it or not.

By acting in this way, the Obama Administration is simply prompting Israel to ramp up its own domestic production and find other sources for spare parts....which reduces Obama's leverage on Israel when it comes to things like Iran.

With Obama, our friends are turning into our enemies, while our enemies simply enjoy the carnival.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. B.Poster3:51 PM

    I think your last sentence pretty much says it all. When the people elected Obama, I think one of the main reasons they did so was becuase they want improved relations with the world at large. He was believed to be the best person for the job.

    Given the jaundiced view of American history that the American people are routinely fed by the news media, the people were more than willing to accept the leftist narrative on things. It was believed that by caving to our enemy demands that this would make us more liked. So far this simply has not worked and frankly I did not expect it to.

    Where does the American government expect the weapons being supplied to Lebanon and Palestinian Authority to be used. They certainly aren't going to use them against Iran or some other Middle Eastern country. Also, is it wise to train a mortal enemy as apparently General Dayton is doing. They certainly don't need any tactical help from us. All that will happen is they will learn our fighting tactics. I doubt the training goes both ways. For example, I doubt the Palestinians are training the Americans in their tactics. Yet another way to put at an even bigger disadvantage.

    I do hope Israel ramps up its own production of these items or finds alternative sources. The Chinese and the Russians have weapons and weapons systems that are vastly superior to any thing America has to offer. I find it unlikely that India does not as well. In light of the fact that American industry is increasingly dependent upon India for technical expertise it seems probable that Indian military technology is superior to any thing the Americans are capable of putting out right now.

  2. Clearly Israel is going to have stand more on it's own without US help. They are going to have to bomb Iran, and if they want "Peace" in the middle east, they are going to have to achieve it by creaming their enemies again. I have read analysis that Obama's stance against Israel is emboldening the Palestinians, and that it will likely hasten the next intifada, which will likely expand to include Hamas & Hezbollah. There really needs to be a confrontation, but this time, Israel needs to finish the job, and exclude the liberal media from the area so they can't act as their ususal anti-Israel propaganda machine.
