
Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Dem's Secret Weapon..Michelle Antoinette!

This is going to be good.

Fresh from her tax payer funded luxury junket in Spain, the First Lady is tanned, rested and ready to hit the campaign trail and 'spend some of her political capital to advance President Obama’s agenda — and her own'.

Only Pravda-on-the-Hudson could describe Michelle Antoinette as 'bipartisan', 'popular' and 'nonideological'.

And listen to this:

Her schedule and stump speech are still being developed, but aides insist she will not attack Republicans. She will be positive and upbeat.

Ri-ight. Rest assured that she's is one gaffe away from getting caught telling the peasants what she really thinks of them. Even the dinosaur media aren't going to be able to cover her derriere completely. Not in the age of Instant Viral Video.

please helps me write more gooder!

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