
Friday, September 03, 2010

Israel Cracks Down On Arab Water Theft

Remember all the bolshoi from the 'Palestinians' and their enablers about how the Evil Joos are stealing all 'their' water? The reality, as usual is quite different.

Mekorot Water Company employees working with the police have just completed a successful operation, disconnecting 230 pirate Arab connections to Israel’s main water lines. The idea, of course was to steal water without paying for it.Israel, like many other communities (including Los Angeles) charges consumers a surtax for excess water usage.

In addition, the IDF’s Judea Region destroyed several small pirate reservoirs used for stolen water in the Kiryat Arba-Hebron region.

Not that the 'Palestinians' have ever fulfilled any of what they agreed to, but the Oslo Accords stipulate two separate water authorities and systems, one for Israel and one for the Palestinian Authority. The PA has more than adequate water. And needless to say, the PA has never arrested anyone for water theft from Israel. To them, this is simply another aspect of the War Against the Jews.

Israeli police have also begun aggressively pursuing sources of stolen materials used to pipe the stolen water to Arab fields and homes. They've made a number of arrests and confiscated over 53 miles of stolen piping.

Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau, who is in charge of water was the official who gave the order to clamp down on water thefts. “We plan to continue working to stop all water piracy, which affects the lives of all residents in the region.We have to deal with it seriously, especially in a country like ours where water is so precious.”

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Wait for the UN condemnation it comes

  2. B.Poster2:14 PM

    When will Israel withdraw from the UN? For that matter when will the US withdraw from the UN?

    The case could be made that by being in the UN America and Israel would at least be in a position to influence its direction. If America, Israel, or both withdraw from the UN they would lose the ability to influence this very influential organization. In the case of America, this is a valid concern. In the case of Israel, it just seems Israel is to small to have much of an influence on this body. So, in Israel's case, your interests are constantly undermined by this organization and you are getting nothing for your participation in this group. It does not seem to make any sense for Israel to remain in the UN.

    In the case of the US, the math is somewhat different. Being on the security council gives the US some degree of influence and having the UN located in the the United States also gives America a degree of influence over this organization. If America withdraws from the UN, it loses this influence, as it is no longer on the security council and the UN probably moves its headquarters outside of America.

    At least three of the permanent security council members are hostile to America. These are Russia, China, and France. The other member which is Great Britain is, at best, neutral to America and will certainly not want to make waves with the other members. As such, America can expect no help from Great Britain within the UN. All other groups within the UN are hostile to American interests, as well.

    Given this analysis of the facts on the ground, why is America still in this organization? I think its leaders may be blinded by their ideologies and are simply looking at America's lost influence in this organization should it withdraw.

    For that matter, will the UN eventually force America out. At times, America has acted to restrain the UN. Perhaps UN leadership would like to be freed from any possible restraints America may place on it from time to time. In any event, since America is a rapidly declining power, there is probably little America can do to actually restrain the UN.

    Finally, the permanent members of the UN security council are for major world powers. Given America's decline and the huge problems it faces I would expect it to be replaced on the security council within three years. The other members should remain the same. America's replacement will probably be India. Another possibility is a Middle Eastern country such as Iran or Saudi Arabia. In this case, I would expect it to be Iran.
