
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Obama The Muslim?

The White House has been pushing back hard of late, not only defending President Barack Hussein Obama from charges that he's a closet Muslim but declaring him a mainstream Christian who 'prays daily'.

Ann Coulter responded to this in typically witty form, saying "The nonsense about President Obama being a Muslim has got to stop. I rise to defend him from this absurd accusation by pointing out that he is obviously an atheist."

While Ann Coulter (as she always does), makes a strong case to back up what she has to say, I have to disagree with her here.

While he was raised as a Muslim ( and saw fit to lie about it during the campaign) it's obvious to me that Barack Hussein Obama's religion is Barack Hussein Obama. He is a narcissist who worships at his own altar.

His religion certainly isn't Christianity. No one who spent two decades in Jeremiah Wright's Trinity Church, considered Wright a spiritual mentor and exposed his children to the hatred peddled there could ever be considered a Christian.

But if a Black man who was considering a political career noticed that Trinity United just happens to be Chicago's largest and most politically connected black church, he might just be tempted to step in and use it as a stepping stone. Especially if he basically agreed with the politics.

As a matter of interest, Rev Wright was at one time a member of the Nation of Islam, which is how he and nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan got to be such good buddies. For that matter, a certain young community organizer named Barack Hussein Obama was a proud attendee of the anti-Semitic, racist orgy organized and led by Farrakhan known as the Million Man March.

For that matter, Obama has a number of long standing connections with the Nation of Islam and his hero and role model, by his own admission, was the arch anti-Semite and Nation of Islam icon Malcolm X.

Again, not exactly how mainstream Christians behave.

Does any of this have any bearing on Obama's presidency? Well, yes and no.

There's no religious test for office in America, and there shouldn't be. But it is entirely appropriate for people to examine what someone believes and make judgments based on that. It's even more appropriate to examine someone's actions in light of what's known about their beliefs and make those judgments.

If Barack Hussein Obama sat in a church for two decades that peddled the racist ideology of Black Liberation Theology, are people entitled to explore that to explain some of his judgments, comments and actions when it comes to race?

If a president of the United States declares that America is one of the world's largest Muslim nations, defies common sense by making it official policy not to mention radical Islam as a cause of terrorism, announces that he considers himself the defender of Islam in America, makes controversial appointments and constantly makes apologetic speeches and gestures appeasing the Muslim world, is it legitimate for people to speculate on what his ties to Islam might be? Especially when he already lied about it once before?

Of course it is. And it's almost comical that the Obama White House would be shocked that a significant number of the American people are doing just that.

However,I'm sure the White House spinmeisters are already working very hard on this.Look for Barack Obama to pull a Bill Clinton by getting photographed publicly going to church carrying a large Bible with a huge cross on it.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie8:43 PM

    ..regarding ff third from the last paragraph of his essay......

    this today from rasmussen:

    Overall, 47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance.

    you see that?
    do you think that 47% give a rat's *$s about this?
    i, uh, i think i'm gonna be sick.................
    now i'm not gonna argue any of the facts of ff essay. he'd chop me off at the knees. and besides, he's correct.
    my point is hussein is not the problem. the problem is the people of what this country used to be. hussein may get voted out in 2012. the problem cannot be replaced that easily. if possible, that would take an entire generation. and with the elitist media/academia, that will not happen. they are more concerned with their own survival than that of this nation.

  2. Hi Louie,
    I just got polled from Gallup myself last week.

    It's all in the question sand how they are asked ( and who gets asked).Normally there is a range and 'somewhat approve' is the middle of curve trending downwards.

    Remember also that most people realize that short of something dramatic, Obama is not going to go anywhere for two years. So they're focused on the targets at hand.

    Rasmussen also has 66% saying the country is going in the wrong direction.

    You're correct that Zero is not the problem,just the manifestation of it, but with that much discontent,you don't think a lot of it is focused on BHO?

    Look at whose getting the nominations on the GOP side..mostly young conservatives,(Joe Miller, Marco Rubio, Allen West, Jody Keyes etc.) many of them veterans who came home and are damned if they're going to let the Ruling Class destroy what they risked their lives to defend.

    There's hope in the air...I can smell it.


  3. Hopefully November will turn out just like we wanted and Congress will be able to undue alot of the damage done over the past two years.

    That being said, I agree with you that I think Obama's religion is himself and that all his entire life has been about. Many have written that they think he has aspergrs because of his inability to understand another poin of view and his inability to talk intelligently off the cuff. I disagree, I think he has narcassistic personaliy disorder, i.e. sociopathic tendencies. Aspies happen by their nature, to be good and kind people who just don't necessrily get the social construct. Obama gets it, he just doesn't think anyone that disgareews with his world vision is worwhile. But then again that is most leftists isn't it.

  4. Good call, IP.

    I have said that Obama is has deeply ingrained sociopathic tendencies for some time.
