
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Two Israelis Wounded In Second Palestinian Ambush!/image/1528294183.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_295/1528294183.jpg

An Israeli couple was ambushed on the roads by 'Palestinians' in the second attack in two days. The attack took place at Rimonim Junction, near the Israeli settlement of Kochav Hashachar and east of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Again, this is another area where the IDf removed checkpoints under US pressure as a gesture towards Palestinian Authority capo del Ramallah Mahmoud Abbas.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Palestinian gunmen ambushed the Israeli car, which was riddled with bullets. The victims were a couple in their thirties, with the man listed in serious condition, while the woman was lightly wounded.

Israel's lack of a major response to the first shooting seems to have emboldened the 'Palestinians'.

Netanyahu needs to return immediately, reapply Israel's security checkpoints, make a forceful response and end this farce.

(Hat tip My Right Word

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. B.Poster4:21 PM

    "Netanyahu needs to return immediately, reapply Israel's security check points, make a forceful response, and end this farce." I could not agree with you more. Why is he in America any way? Why did he not simply firmly but politely decline to come to America and participate in these talks?

    Whether the check points were removed because of "American pressure" or not is not really relevant. The fact is Israel is a soverign country and it chose to remove these check points. When Israel chooses to remove check points, who am I and who are we to question the decisions of a soverign country who is an ally? When Israel makes decisions like this, they uncercut their allies in America and elsewhere.

    If America were being attacked in this manner and her president was engaged in some fruitless foreign diplomacy, do we not think that the president would face intense pressure to come home and do exactly what you suggest Israel should do. Why is Mr. Netanyahu in America right now? Why did he come to America in the first place at a time like this?

    When Israel does what you suggest they should be careful of what type of response Russia might mount. As I udnerstand it, Israel depends upon Russia for about 80% of its oil, Russia is a big backer of Iran who is a big backer of the "Palestinians," and Russia has the most advanced and best led military on the planet right now.

    The worn down, technologically inferior American forces pose no real threat to Israel. The only real foreign threats Israel needs to worry about right now that might pose a significant road block in Israel's doing what needs to be done here are Russia and Iran. As for Iran, they'd be nothing without Russian support.

  2. Do you think there is any hope of bringing down Netanyahu's government? Israel needs a real leader, not someone who can be coerced by Obama's strong-arm tactics.

  3. Hi TLOS,
    To answer your question, I think Netanyahu's right wing coalition will keep things at an even keel.Bibi is not going to get much by them, and Abbas can't make any deals that mean anything anyway.

    I personally would like to see Mapai(Labor) and Ehud Barack out of government, but Barack serves a useful purpose because he's a good liaison to the Obama Administration.

  4. I would like to see Lieberman as PM, especially after the Obama admin disrespected him by refusing to even meet with him.

  5. B.Poster7:29 AM

    America definitely needs new leadership. As for Israel, this would be a decision for Israelis to make.


    In your reply to TLOS you write "....Bibi is not going to get much by them and Abbas can't make any deals that mean anything any way." I agree. It is hard to understand why the parties are wasting time on this any way. I mean with all the problems that America has right now why is the American leadership wasting time on this issue right now? For example, the economy is deeply struggling, the military is worn dowwn, and on top of this we currently have a major hurricane bearing down on the American coast. Wouldn't it make much more sense for the American government to focus on these issues than the Israeli/Arab conflict? Why does Israel waste time on meetings that aren't going to accomplish any thing? As for the Arabs, perhaps this is a useful distraction.

  6. The Israelis and for that matter, the Palestinians are wasting time on this because the Obama Administration needs a distraction and whatever props in can get in the run up to the mid terms and put enormous pressure on both sides to at least show up.

  7. B.Poster2:42 PM

    A good "distraction" for Mr. Obama might be to push for another stimulus package. I think he knows he want get it going through Congress right now but at least this could, in theory, be sold as an attempt to improve the struggling economy.

    There is still another option for the President if he needs a "distraction." There is a major hurricane out in the ocean that is bearing down on the American coast. He could visit these regions and make believe he is assisting the locals and the appropiate federal agencies prepare for this. I think there is little he can actually do in this regard but at least he can give the appearance of being concerned about the wellfare of these coastal residents.

    The Israli/Arab peace process, as a "distraction" would appear to have negative utility for the President and his team at this juncture. He needs to be focusing on things of substance to Americans and not focusing on a squabble between parties on the other side of the world. I think most Americans are losing patience with their leaders doing things like this. While the country is in dire straits, precious resources should not be squandered on this issue.

    As for the Palestinians, perhaps they get something from this process. One thing that I think is clear is the Palestinians will NOT respond well to American pressure. Presumably the "Quartet" will be involved. It seems highly unlikely that any major moves will be made by the Americans without tacit approval by the other members of the Quartet. They're not going to be happy to see the Palestinians pressured. As such, I don't see how America is in a position to pressure the Palestinians to show up or do any thing else even if it wanted to.

    As for Israel, assuming your right about this being a distraction so Mr. Obama can get some props, thsy should politely refuse to play the game. Simply say something like "we respectfully decline the invitation to participate in these talks right now. We have several pressing matters of State that are requiring our urgent attention right now." The Israelis would be quite correct, if they said these things. In addition, they could very gently remind the American leadership of the problems faced by America and explain to them that this is a waste of time for them and for them and will draw resources away from what needs to be done to fix America's problems.

    Essentially what we have is an American elite class that is horribly out of touch with the issues faced by the nation. Part of the result of this is we get a horrible misallocation of precious resources.
