
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

It's November 2nd - Get The Last Word!

(thanx to Robert at Seraphic Secrets via Weasel Zippers!)

Vote dammit! And don't forget to join Weekend Monkey and I right here for live blogging of the massacre tonight.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. B.Poster12:02 PM

    Massacre? Whose going to get massacred? Ever hear the statement "don't count your chickens before they hatch?" I really think this applies here.

    I will reiterate what I've said here and elsewhere before. All races where the Republican leads by 10 poins or less will go to the Democrat, all races where the Democrat leads by 10 points or less will go to the Democrat, and all races that are tied or toss ups will go to the Democrat. Also, there will be at least one and probably multiple major surprises where a seat was expected to be a lock for the Republican but the Democrat will take it. Once this is factored in, will the Republicans still gain control of the House? Can they be expected to make inroads in the Seante?

  2. ligneus5:02 PM

    Oops, 'join monkey and me'
