
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kali-fornia Dreaming - A Guide For The Perplexed

For those of my fellow inmates in this asylum of ours on the Left Coast wondering how to vote on the various propositions and downstate races, here are my recommendations.

Carly Fiorina is a 'conservative' on only a very few issues,but she's at least intelligent and sane which puts her miles ahead of Babs Boxer.

Likewise, Meg Whitman is unlikely to be able to do anything in the governor's seat given the composition of the state legislature which is heavily Democrat thanks to partisan redistricting, on which more later.But I can tell you that Jerry Brown would be an absolute disaster - not only for California but nationally, since California is responsible for one sixth of the US economy.

As such, both Fiorina and Whitman deserve your votes.

I'm a lot more interested in seeing Tony Strickland get into the Controller's office, since he's a fiscal hawk.

The propositions? Here's a brief rundown.

Prop 19 essentially legalizes marijuana. I'm voting in favor even though I'm a non-user simply because as a fiscal matter far too much of our resources nationally and state-wide are used to combat the traffic and it's a losing battle. The state may as well legalize it and tax it. Your call.

Prop 20
is of major importance.
It retains a civilian, non-partisan board to oversee redistricting rather than letting it revert back to the legislature. Keeping redistricting out of the hands of state politicians could be a major help in getting the state in order to a strong, fiscally prudent governor. A yes on Prop 27 does exactly the opposite, giving redistricting back to the politicians. I recommend a yes on Prop 20 and a no on Prop 27

Prop 21 is the proverbial camel's nose in the tent, allowing the government to charge a 'car tax' supposedly to keep the parks and beaches open. Don't believe it for a second - this is simply a desperate attempt to raise taxes to pay for more spending, and if it passes it will only be the beginning. I recommend a no on Prop 21.

Prop 22 safeguards local funds from appropriation by the state. I recommend a yes on Prop 22.

Prop 23 is another important one. It suspends California's job killing environmental regs as spelled out in AB 32 Until California's unemployment rate is below 5.5% for four consecutive quarters. I recommend a yes on Prop 23.

Prop 24 rescinds a tax break, one of the few businesses in the Golden State currently enjoy. I recommend we keep it while we still have a few businesses left, so no on Prop 24.

Prop 25 and Prop 26 are mirror images of each other, something that happenes frequently in California and unnecessarily confuses voters. Prop 25 rescinds the 2/3 majority now required to approve a budget and raise taxes and fees and changes it to a simple majority. It is a direct bullet aimed directly at the heart of Proposition 13, the measure California voters passed back in 1978 that limited the amount and frequency property taxes can be raised after a number of draconian hikes by the socialist denizens of the State Legislature. Having taxed virtually everything else to the stratosphere, Prop 25 is a bid to go after what little wealth remains in people's homes and property by camouflaging such increases as 'fees'.

Prop 26 is exactly the opposite, requiring the 2/3 majority to approve a budget and state fees. I strongly recommend a no on Prop 25 and a yes on Prop 26.

If Jerry Brown becomes governor and Props 20, 23, 24 and 26 go down to defeat, it will simply hasten the collapse of California and drive even more businesses and productive citizens out of the state. With Meg Whitman in Sacramento and Props 20,23, 24 and 26 in place we may actually be on the road to solving some of California's deep seated problems.


please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie1:10 PM

    with all due respect to ff, his knowledge of kahleeforneeah politics, history, and such.
    i was just wondering.
    given the modified symbol of the great state of kahleeforneeah that ff uses.
    i have a question.
    would this be a better symbol on the state seal?
    just curious.
    maybe you could photoshop jerry brown in. just for grins.
