
Monday, November 01, 2010

Likelihood That Dems Retain The Senate Sinks To 43% On Intrade

Oh my!

To take the Senate,the Republicans need 10 seats. Barring something bizarre happening,they already have pickups in Arkansas, Indiana, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They have leads in Nevada, Colorado and yes, Illinois outside the margin of error..although you already know why I think Illinois is dicey.

Washington is a tie, with either Dino Rossi or Patty 'Osmama Mama' Murray a fraction ahead depending on whom you ask. California and West Virginia both show Democrats Barbara Boxer and Joe Manchin slightly ahead, but with data that suggests both races will go down to the wire...

And for wild cards, Linda McMahon's internals show her within striking distance of Dick Blumenthal in Connecticut, and Christine O'Donnell's race still remains a longshot possibility that may very well come down to turnout as more Delawareans realize exactly how much of an Obamabot Chris Coons actually is. Neither race should be written off, especially in a wave election.

It will all come down to Illinois, Washington, West Virginia, California, Connecticut and Delaware.

The Republicans will need to go three for five to take over - and they lead in one, three are too close to call and two remain viable as upsets.

We'll see tomorrow night.

I'm particularly hoping Christine O'Donnel puls it off - just because of the way she's been treated and to watch the Left's collective heads explode.

please helps me write more gooder!

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