
Monday, November 01, 2010

ABC News Bows To Leftist Pressure And Disinvites Andrew Breitbart

I expected this, I have to admit.

ABC News had originally invited conservative icon Andrew Breitbart to join their 2010 election coverage as their token right winger.

As you can imagine, that made the Angry left's heads explode.Sothe George Soros-funded Media Matters, Keith Olbermann, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo and the other usual suspects began inundating ABC with protests and boycott threats.

In response, ABC courageously defended its right to air a diversity of opinion and announced that Andrew Breitbart would remain part of their election coverage.

Yeah, ri-ight!

First, ABC issued an official statement saying that Andrew Breitbart was ' not an ABC News analyst, not an ABC News consultant, not, in any way, affiliated with ABC News, not being paid and had not been asked to analyze the results of the election for ABC News.'

He was merely going to be 'a guest' in an online-only discussion!

And right after that, in a further effort to calm the distraught Lefties, ex-Clintonista George Stephanopoulos tweeted “Breitbart NOT on ABC network broadcast”

Except Andrew Breitbart has the e-mails from the ABC news producer involved saying that he would participate in both their online and Network broadcasts during the election night coverage. And the e-mails also show that he was being booked to give analysis. As Andrew puts it, "was ABC News paying for me to fly to Arizona and to foot my hotel bill so that I could perform avant-garde interpretative dance?"

Perhaps, in the end, ABC News simply figured that one happy, grinning face amidst all the gloom on election night was simply more than a substantial part of what's left of their audience could take.

So there's now no real reason to watch ABC News tomorrow night. Except briefly, to enjoy the misery.

please helps me write more gooder!

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