
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues...12:25 AM PST

RM: OK Monkey, last lap. So far, it looks like 58 seats for the GOP, with the rest not in yet, especially in California. By the way, the pot initiative looks like it's going down to defeat.

WM: Now that surprises me.

RM: Boxer is claiming victory in California, but Fiorina hasn't conceded yet.Washington and Colorado are still too close to call - we may even see recounts eventually.

WM: Hee hee! (yawn) We Dems are good at recounts. So anyway, whaddya think this all means?

RM: I think it's the beginning shot in taking back the country. As you said, th e two sides just got more polarized and Obama's not going to do anything to alleviate that. In a way, it's almost better that the GOP didn't take the Senate. If they and the new House members do what they were sent to DC to do - or at least make Obama veto their trying to do the right thing, they're setting themselves up for a real veto proof majority and taking back the White House in 2012.

If they screw up, it will definitely be third party time.

I also expect some major scandals to erupt in the Obama White House..maybe even bad enough to keep Obama from running in 2012.

WM: If that happens, I betcha Hillary is the hidden hand that holds the dagger...

RM: Very poetic Monkey, And as it happens, I agree with you.Any last words Monkey? Monkey? I do believe that JoshuaPundit's political guru has fallen asleep on me.Or something.

And with that, Let's close it down for the night.Thank you all for joining us.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie10:44 AM

    fallen asleep on me.Or something.

    that usually happens when your BAC exceeds 0.334%.
    not to worry, chimpy will be gone before the first bounty hunter shows up.
