
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues...11:26PM

RM: So Monkey, right now the GOP has already made 57 pickups in the House, and they're probably going to end up with something like in the mid-60's. What do you make of that?

WM: It's not a bad night's work for the ReThugs...but what's interesting to me is how it's going to polarize Congress even more. A lotta the Blue Dogs who came in via Rahm in '06 and '08 got their asses handed to them...and a lot of what's left is exactly that, the Left of the party. Ike Skelton, Stephanie Hersath-Sandlin, Gene Taylor, Tom Periello..all gone.

And a lot of the ReThugs who are coming in like your pal Allen West, like Paul Gosar, like Renee Elmers are a lot more right wing. Same with a lot of the Senate, on both sides. Can you say g-r-i-d-l-o-c-k?

RM: Yeah , especially with Obama at the head of the circus. BTW, the California Secretary of State's website crashed, so numbers on the Cali senate race are delayed. If I were Fiorina, I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet.

WM: Hope squeaks eternal in the primate's breast..I told you before Boxer stays, I know these things.

Rm: You also knew that Mark Kirk wasn;t going to win in Illinois..

WM: Owchie! Don't remind me. That cost me some serious shekels. Any fresh numbers for us?

RM: I don't know what more we're gonna get tonight. Washington is a dead heat, with Patty Murray up 14,000 votes with 68% of the precincts in, and Ken Buck is up by about 10,000 votes in Colorado with 70% of the precincts reporting, so who knows when those will be settled?

Plus a lot of the House votes in the West still need to play out.

WM: Another Margarita?

RM: Why Not? At least you're not mixing cognac with banana extract any more these days.

please helps me write more gooder!

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