
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues...

RM: FOX just predicted that the House goes GOP, with a gain of a minimum of 60 seats.

WM: Eh!

RM: And here's the latest - Kirk is ahead by 20,000 votes in the Illinois Senate with 78.5% of the votes counted , and Pat Toomey is about the same amount ahead with 92% of th eprecincts in, so that's looking good.

WM: What about Colorado?

RM: Ken Buck is behind Michael Bennet, but less than 20% of the precincts have reported. Could just be Denver and Aspen. Oh, And David Vitter won inLouisiana.

WM: Good news for the hookers!

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie8:21 PM

    it looks like colorado wants to be a sanctuary state.

  2. Fox calls for Boxer & Brown. And the weed is smoked! Kali is doomed! Stick your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye. Monkey boy, pass the Tequila!
