
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues, 8:45PM PST

WM: mmm, these enchilada thingies sure are tasty.

RM: Just a little sweetener for the Dems defeat. Tell me Monkey...tomorrow, Obama's going to give a presser before he gets out of town. Do you think he'll be a little contrite at least, maybe reach out a bit to the Republicans?

WM: HOO HE HAH HAH HAH HAH! You better nurse those drinks a little longer Rob! I'll tell you exactly what he'll say.He'll say that (decent Obama imitation)' the results of last night's elections prove that the country wants and end to obstructionism and politics as usual, and now is the time for the Republicans to work together with me to solve the nation's problems.'

Obama will not admit for a minute that he had anything to do with those problems. To him, it's all about the Republicans not bending over for him and the voters being too stupid to recognize his awesomeness. That's what he'll say, trust me. Remember, Obama's been going around telling the voters that the Republicans are going to have to work with him, now - not the other way around. Wait and see if I'm not right.

RM: You probably are. He's not exactly someone willing to learn fr0m his mistakes, is he?

WM: Any new returns to report?

RM: Well, so far there's a 30 seat GOP pickup in the House. But what's really interesting is the state races. I'm looking at massive gains for the GOP in state legislatures, and a pick up of no less than 6 governorships - and that's just what's happened so far.

WM: Did that crazy Tom Tancredo win in Colorado?

RM: Doesn't look like it. But the Republicans actually won in Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,places where you never would have thought they would. And speaking of crazy, Ron Johnson retired Russ Feingold in the Wisconsin senate race, Pat Toomey is up 52-48 with 96 % of the precincts counted and Mark Kirk is up over Giannoulias in Illinois 48-46% - with 96% of the precincts in.

Not only that, but Dino Rossi is up 53-47 over Patty Murray with almost 40% of the returns in.

WM: Early days yet. Will see if Illinois and Washington hold.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. Orygun's Gubna race is neck & neck with 58% reporting. The DPRP (Democratic Peoples Republic of Portland) has already reported, so we are just waiting for the gun toting, bible clingers, and you know how they vote... Monkey, slice some more limes!
