
Monday, November 01, 2010

The Pre - Election Roundup...

For your reading pleasure, a few prognostications, forecasts and commentaries on the up coming midterms:

The NRO's Jim Geraghty predicts a 70 seat gain for the GOP in the House, and says he's being conservative at that. Going over his predictions, I see why.

Meanwhile, Pravda-on-the-Hudsons' own Nate Silver gives 5 reasons on why the GOP could do better -much better - than expected.

Ace pollster Scott Rasmussen explains something we all knew anyway - that tomorrow night is not so much a vote for Republicans as a vote against Obama and his enablers.

And the Pew Trust poll highlights the unprecedented 'engagement gap' between GOP and Democrat voters.

Meanwhile Jay Cost, as usual one of the smartest guys in the room has decided to drop Bruce Banner and go with his inner Hulk, predicting a Republican tsunami of epic proportions.

And for a different slant, my good friend over at The Pagan Temple has a number of tarot readings covering different races that are quite entertaining.

Enjoy! And make sure to drop by on Tuesday when I and Joshuapundit's political guru Weekend Monkey will be live blogging the only poll that matters.

Vote, dammit! And call your local GOP candidate to help with Get Out The Vote efforts.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie4:08 PM

    sday when I and Joshuapundit's political guru Weekend Monkey will be live blogging the only poll that matters

    he's a monkey for crying out loud!!!!
