
Monday, November 01, 2010

Joe Miller Ahead In Alaska?

According to the Democrat oriented PPP, he's seven points up. seeing as it's PPP, I wouldn't take this to the bank, especially since Alaska is an extremely difficult state to poll because of its size.

But Tom Jensen's rationale based on his numbers isn't bad - the group that likes Miller is planing to vote for him en masse, while at least a third of Democrat Scott McAdam's voters are saying their going to write in Lisa What's'er name on their ballot. And Lisa Mookowski also loses a lot of GOP votes simply for low favorability ratings and the fact that she refused to abide by the primary results.

So Murkowski seems to be taking a lot more voters away from McAdams than she is from Miller.

Why Alaskans wouldn't want a conservative decorated veteran and West Point Grad to represent them instead of a spoiled RINO princess escapes me anyway.

(via memeorandum)

please helps me write more gooder!

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