
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It Begins: Israeli Baby Injured As 'Palestinian' Riots Break Out

A baby girl became the first casualty as violent riots broke out in Judea and Samaria among 'Palestinians' seeking to prove their worthiness for statehood by throwing stones at Jews and generally exhibiting the sort of behavior they've become known for.

The baby was injured when she was struck in the head by a stone while her mother was carrying her between Tapuah and Migdalim junctions near Petah Tikva.

A second Israeli was injured by stones when he drove a little too close to the Palestinian town of Halhul.

Rioting also flared up near Qalandiya and Hebron, where mobs stoned Israeli security forces, burned tires and blocked roads.

I think we can expect more of this kind of behavior.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Avraham9:28 PM

    Don't think the Jews living in Judea and Samaria are going to put up with this for very long. This is our country, not theirs.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Long Live Palestine..NOT!
