
Friday, November 11, 2011

Mitt Romney Gets The Kiss of Death!!

Yes, it's that scary....Bob Shrum is touting him as the perfect GOP nominee!!!

You all remember this partisan, ignorant political hack - he's been wrong on virtually every political prediction he's made and has an 0-8 record on presidential campaigns he's worked on. Why anybody takes him seriously as any type of expert is beyond me.

Romney doesn't deserve this - he needs to immediately disavow the Shrumster's support so the evil doesn't infect him. At least Shrum won't be working on his campaign, so that's something. Both Mr. Bill and Obama made perhaps their smartest moves in keeping this political equivalent of the bubonic plague miles away from them.

There is some happy news, of course - The Shrumster is confidently predicting Barack Obama's re-election, which means you can confidently lay some money on Our Dear Leader's address changing after the 2012 election.

please helps me write more gooder!

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