
Friday, November 11, 2011

Sarah Palin: 'Fire Eric Holder'

The Arctic Fox still hasn't lost her touch. And you have to love the sting at the end:

It’s tempting to get distracted with the horse race aspect of electoral politics during a primary season. But as pundits talk about “who’s up and who’s down” in the 24 hour news cycle, we must keep our eye on the ball with the Obama administration. They rely on distraction to skirt responsibility, but we’re going to hold them accountable for their corruption and incompetence.

When the stories about Operation Fast and Furious first broke, it sounded too crazy even for this administration.

Why would any government official with an ounce of common sense think it’s a good idea to facilitate the smuggling of thousands of guns into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels? That’s what Operation Fast and Furious did.

You might think Eric Holder’s Department of Justice was setting up a sting operation in which our federal agents would swoop down and arrest the bad guys the minute the guns traded hands. But that’s not what happened. Eric Holder’s DOJ had American gun dealers sell weapons to “straw purchasers” tied to drug cartels without actually following the movement of the guns as they were then sold to Mexican drug lords. They apparently thought this so-called “gun-walking” operation would help them chart the path of gun smuggling, but they didn’t have a plan to actually control the weapons’ movements as the guns were allowed to “walk” into Mexico. All Holder’s DOJ did was arm violent criminals. What manner of fools do we have working in this administration? What’s next? Supplying nuclear weapons components to the Iranians so we can track their activities?

Fast and Furious isn’t just your typical government incompetence. This is a deadly tragedy. U.S. border agent Brian Terry was gunned down with weapons connected to Holder’s debacle. At least 200 Mexican citizens were also killed by criminals using Fast and Furious weapons. We can only imagine how many more people will be murdered by criminals our government armed.

When an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives blew the whistle on this operation, the DOJ leaked sensitive information about him to the press. This week, the former U.S. Attorney for Arizona, who was ousted in the wake of the scandal, admitted to being the leaker.

And where is President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder in all of this? When did he first know about the operation? In his testimony to the House Oversight Committee on May 3, 2011, Holder stated, “I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.” But the DOJ’s own documents prove that Holder had been receiving briefings on Fast and Furious for nearly a year before that date. In other words, our government’s top law enforcement official, Eric Holder, lied to the American public. He finally admitted this week to the Senate Judiciary Committee, “In my testimony before the House committee [on May 3], I did say a few weeks. I probably could have said a couple of months. What I said about a few weeks was inaccurate based on what happened.”

When the nation’s highest law enforcement official lies to the American people, he must go.

And if he claims that he didn’t lie, then how else do we explain this situation? He’s either lying or he’s so grossly incompetent and lazy that he didn’t read important life and death briefings from his deputy attorney general and didn’t know about this deadly operation run by people under him. So, which is it? Incompetent, lazy, or lying? No matter which explanation fits, he needs to go.

Holder conceded this week, “I have ultimate responsibility for what happens in the department.” He can prove it by resigning. And if he refuses to resign, then President Obama – with whom the bucks ultimately stop – can prove that he respects honesty, transparency, and accountability in his administration by firing Holder.

I stand with the members of Congress who are calling for Holder’s resignation. I stand with the family members of Brian Terry who are demanding transparency and accountability. Mr. President, where do you stand?

- Sarah Palin

P.S. It can be argued that some elements of this scandal give the appearance of perhaps being intended to be used to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. I invite our President to correct concerned Americans if they’re wrong on this.

Heh heh! You go, Sarah!

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. UCSPanther4:46 PM

    The more I read about Sarah Palin on this blog (With its no-nonsense style), the more my respect for her grows. It still boggles my mind at the disrespect and how low they (The left and fringe radicals in general) are willing to sink to attack her.

    If we have a woman for a leader, I want someone like Palin or the late Margaret Thatcher, not Hillary Clinton nor Nancy Pelosi.

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Isn't Margaret Thatcher still alive?

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    You do realize that she didn't write this, right? She can't string a coherent sentence in public, so she has someone write these for her. She just parrots whatever her people tell her. She's very good at it, but it doesn't mean she has original thoughts.

  4. No, I don't know this Anonymous
    9:01 Am, and what's more, neither do you.

    I decided to let this garbage through just to show my readers the sort of ridiculous slander and garbage that comes up every time Governor Palin's name is mentioned.

    Just can't stand it to see a strong, accomplished, intelligent woman out there can you? Especially if she holds conservative views.

    She has more brains, courage and achievements than someone like you would ever have in a half dozen lifetimes.

    And BTW, speaking of just repeating what someone else told you - the 'parroting' slur you used came directly from some widely publicized anti-Palin remarks by lefty actor John Cleese. Yeah, I saw that video Anonymous.So,obviously, did you.

  5. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I certainly don't have a problem with smart conservative women who have accomplished a lot. Thatcher leaps to mind. She's brilliant, well-spoken, and accomplished.

    Palin is a twit who quit her job and can't say anything in public that isn't written on her hand. If you can even compare that brainbox to Thatcher, you're a fucking idiot.

    What you will never understand is that we're not mystified by Palin. She's an idiot. Simple. It's people like you who can't see this simple truth that has us scratching our heads. But I suppose *someone* has to admire the emperor's new clothes.

  6. Hello again Anonymous. I'm glad you at least didn't bother denying that it was you who was 'parroting' in this particular case.

    Interesting and most revealing that you would mention Baroness Thatcher rather than an accomplished American conservative woman, of whom there are many. It's because someone like Governor Palin, Ann Coulter, Justice Janice Rogers Brown or Nikki Haley is a threat to your agenda here, rather than safely across the ocean, and not retired and inactive. If Baroness Thatcher were an active politician here in America, you'd be slandering her intelligence just as much as you do with Governor Palin, exactly as Brits of your ilk did when she was in office.

    Palin and Thatcher's ideology and ideas are remarkably similar, except Palin is a lot more knowledgeable about energy issues because of her particular experience as part of Alaska's Energy Board.You'd know that if you ever read Thatcher's autobiography.

    By the way, have you ever met Governor Palin in person and spoken to her? I did, in Alaska before she went national. Ever really examine the amazing sum of her accomplishments while she was governor? Or her economic predictions about what things like Obama's quantitative easing would do to our economy, where even the WSJ admitted she was way ahead of the curve?I doubt it,or you wouldn't be mouthing off.

    Since I've done these things and you obviously haven't, who's the better judge of Governor Palin's intelligence - me, or someone like you who just parrots what he hears on MSNBC and similar outlets?

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Here's a newsflash: 'parroting' isn't a word invented by John Cleese. It's been around long before Palin came along. You can find it in Shakespeare. Sorry you'd never heard of it before. You learned a new word!

    So you want an American female conservative? How's Jeanne Kirkpatrick? She's brilliant and would have made an incredible president. But she doesn't have to write stuff on her hand or attack Katie Couric for throwing her a softball question she can't answer. Karen Hughes and Mary Matalin are also very smart and capable. I abhor Phyllis Schafly, but there's no denying that she's very smart. Though I am convinced that Ann Coulter is a performance artist (her racist comments this past week prove that). Sorry I only gave you one example. I wasn't aware of the rules. More than one, has to be American. Got it.

    I don't have to parrot what I 'hear on MSNBC' to understand Palin. Everytime she opens her mouth - this is the true test, not what someone ghostwrites for her on Facebook - she drops another turd of a sentence that she has to clean up later. I suppose her accomplishments welcoming bacon like the bridge to nowhere to Alaska (and then immediately denying it) are many, but they're curiously not conservative. And if you seriously think that her sudden knowledge about quantitative easing wasn't drilled into her skull by some economic advisor as opposed to being her original thought, then I guess you think Obama doesn't use a teleprompter as well. You're naivety astounds me. Take away her advisors, get her in a room and ask her questions about economics. I'll bring the popcorn.

    By the way, Palin's magic must of rubbed off on you when you met her. The spelling and grammar on this site is atrocious. I know you won't respond to this, but since I know you read this posts, the least you can do is run a spell and grammar check.

    PS. I left Britain in the early 1980s after the Labor government ravaged the private sector. Those of us who could leave for the US did. The decay of the 1970s was greatly improved by Thatcher's policies. So, no. I didn't slander Thatcher in the 1980s. She was amazing. I know that you like to assume and call names, but you're dead wrong here, as usual. I'm attracted to intelligence, which is why I consider William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan some of my personal heroes. But to the see the Republican embrace this retard and pretend that she's intelligent is just sickening.

  8. Let's see...You've never spoken to Governor Palin one on one and I have, for about 20 minutes.Yet YOU claim to know how stupid she is.

    You claim Baroness Thatcher,WF Buckley and Ronald Reagan as heroes, yet you call someone who embodies their philosophies a 'retard'.

    You've never seen John Zeigler's documentary showing exactly how the Couric and Gibson interviews were edited and how the questions were coordinated in advance with the Obama campaign, and yet you're
    prepared to take what you were shown as gospel on Governor Palin's 'stupidity'.

    You have no idea of what Governor Palin accomplished while she was in office,not an inkling as to what she accomplished as a member of the Alaskan energy board ( and afterwards,taking on crony capitalism in her own party) and no clue as to how she was forced out of office.

    So I can only conclude that you're a victim of Palin Derangement Syndrome, for which there's no known cure. Kinda like your fellow Brit Andrew Sullivan, who's similarly obsessed. Hopefully you're not an anti-semite like him as well,but it really doesn't matter.You're simply an anonymous troll, jealous of someone else's accomplishments you couldn't even begin to approach. Goodness, it much bother you than someone you despise so much is actually smarter than you!

    BTW, sorry to disappoint you, but comments from you and a few others I've flagged of similar ilk do automatically go in the spam folder,unread. Every so often I take a look at what's in there just for giggles, and look what popped! I'm certain you're gratified over the attention.

    As usual, you were fun for a bit, but ultimately not worth much more than that. It's boring to discuss anything with someone who has no idea of what he's talking about and only spittle flecked rage to spew.

    Buh Bye!

