
Thursday, November 03, 2011

Source: "Herman Took Advantage Of Seniority And Power With A Young Woman. It Was An Abuse Of Power."

Not from the Politico or the New York Times, but from conservative site Pajamas Media.

They're claiming that two sources have told them that a female employee of the National Restaurant Association told associates she had been taken by Herman Cain to his Crystal City, Virginia residence where she alleged “he had taken advantage of me.”

One source, a male, told PJ Media:

"Herman took advantage of seniority and power with a young woman. It was an abuse of power."

Implying that coming forward with the accusations was an ordeal for the young woman, the source also said:

"Who do you believe, a CEO or a mid-level staffer? It was unsettling for her to make charges."

The name of the woman — who was in her early twenties at the time of the alleged incident — has been confirmed by PJ Media. We have chosen not to reveal her identity for reasons of discretion.

Both sources, one male and one female, worked at the time — mid-1990s — for the governmental affairs department of the National Restaurant Association, as did the woman.

According to the female source, Mr. Cain and the woman had been with a large group for a long evening of food and drink at the Ciao Baby Cucina, a restaurant near NRA headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C. This was a normal routine, as the trade association worked with the food and beverage industry. Afterwards, Mr. Cain allegedly took the woman by taxi to his apartment, where she spent the night and woke up.

The female source told PJ Media that she witnessed the woman and Herman Cain break away from the large group as part of a smaller group.{...}

Both sources claim that during this period following the incident while the woman was still employed, the NRA’s human resources office held many “closed door meetings” that included her. The woman’s parents retained legal counsel and arranged an undisclosed financial settlement.

Today, the NRA is expected to meet with attorney Joel P. Bennett, who represents one of the women who have made claims against Mr. Cain. Bennett has stated he wants the NRA to terminate a confidentiality provision which bars his client from revealing the grounds for the settlement.

All this comes on top of allegations by conservative talk radio host Steve Deace, who claims that Herman Cain said “things to both of my female staffers that at best are professionally awkward if not inappropriate over the last several months.”

At least now, we have some specifics that go beyond allegations of inappropriate words or gestures.

Again, if a company paid two separate accusers a years' salary on behalf of Herman Cain, there's no way he couldn't have known about it. So in the multiple and constantly changing stories he given the public, he was simply not being candid.

Another point I think is worth mentioning. It is certainly possible that in this case, the sex could have been consensual, or simply the result of a little to much to drink on the part of the woman mentioned above. Perhaps she simply changed her mind about things after the fact. That's not exactly unknown.

But the fact remains that if Herman Cain as a married CEO was guilty of this kind of lapse in judgment with one of his employees, that is evidence of stupidity that makes it even more clear than his serial gaffes that he's not qualified to be president.

In other news, the Cain campaign has backed down from its claim that the Rick Perry campaign was behind this. Yet another dumb move on their part that backfired.

please helps me write more gooder!

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