
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hamas Missile Kills 3 In Direct Hit On Israeli Home


Three Israelis were killed today and several others wounded when a Hamas missile scored a direct hit on a house in Kiryat Malachi, a town about 11miles from Ashkelon.

Among the dead was a 25 year old Chabad “shlucha (female emissary)” to New Dehli, India,  Mirah (nee Cohen) Scharf, who was visiting Israel for a memorial service for Chabad Mumbai terror victims Gabi and Rivka Holtzberg. (HY"D)The Hebrew anniversary of their brutal murder is today.

Mrs Scharf, who was  was pregnant at the time of her death was also the mother of three young children.

Another victim was  Ahron Smadga, the father of the 8-month-old baby girl pictured above:

“He was married for 20 years and couldn’t have children then he had twin boys nine years ago, and 8 months ago his daughter was born and he was walking around with a smile on his face that he had a daughter after all this years,” Daniels told The Algemeiner.

“He was one of the first Chabad soldiers to join the Israeli Army,” he said.

The third victim was 22 year old Yitzchak Amselam. The funeral is planned for later today.

The IDF told the Israeli people to gird the home front.  They were under no illusion about the sort of enemy they were facing.


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