
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Latest From The Gaza War

Hamas fired several Grad missiles at Beersheva today. The Iron Dome knocked out two of them, along with an additional 17 in other parts of southern Israel, and there are no reports of injuries, damage or casualties.

Air strikes are continuing, and a number of the missile sites were located in or near mosques, schools and apartment buildings. As usual Hamas is using civilians as human shields.

Below, here's IDF spokeswoman Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich as she replies to an obviously hostile interviewer on Al Jazeera:

One of my little birdies told me that a ground operation is imminent, but I wasn't able to confirm that independently.The Israeli press is finally reporting publicly that reserves have been called up.

Twitter is also figuring in this war:

Nachon, Tzahal!

The US, at least fo rnow is still supporting Israel's right to self defense, condemning the rocket attacks on southern Israel.

"We support Israel's right to defend itself, and we encourage Israel to continue to take every effort to avoid civilian casualties," US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement on Wednesday.

"We strongly condemn the barrage of rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel, and we regret the death and injury of innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians caused by the ensuing violence," he added.

Stay tuned...

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