
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Biden: 'The President Is Already Lining Up Some Additional Executive Actions' On Guns

After President Obama's hysterical rant yesterday, I suppose this is to be expected.

Vice President Biden told a number of anti-Second Amendment allies in a conference that President Obama,having failed to get his way is going to be implementing what he wants via yet another executive order:

"Look I know you're going to say that I'm just being an optimist and I'm trying to put a good face on this. But you know I've been around here a long time and we've already done, because of you, some really good things," Biden said. "Number one, the president is already lining up some additional executive actions he's going to be taking later this week."

G-d forbid this wanna be dictator would actually honor his oath to defend and protect the Constitution.

President Obama passed the constitutional point of no return on this sort of thing long ago.Although I admit to getting an ironic chuckle over this president referring to anyone else as a 'liar'.

By the way, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already pulled the gun bill from the Senate floor.I'm sure that this was coordinated in advance with the White House, because Reid undoubtedly knows what's being planned in the gun grab.

1 comment:

  1. louielouie6:36 PM

    G-d forbid this wanna be dictator would actually honor his oath to defend and protect the Constitution.

    i think dictator is too strong a word to be using.
    while husssein never has been a president, i think "caretaker" is a word that even hussein hisself would agree is apropriate.
    of course, that would make joe "two blasts" biden the vice-caretaker.
