
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Janet Napolitano's response to Congressman's Questioning Saudi 'Person Of Interest' Alharbi's Deportation: ‘Not Worthy Of An Answer’

I think Congressman Duncan went easy on her, but...

Remember, this is the same national security maven who was pushing the notion that this was a 'lone wolf bomber' for the Obama Regime even after every real expert at the scene said it was a coordinated team effort.

I love how she tried to wiggle at first claiming no one involved with Boston had been deported...

Nothing to see here folks, just move along.


  1. Wow. Good thing she's not arrogant or anything. America is whirling down the bowl because of political correctness, corruption, and because we have people like this like this dyke in positions of power. Will Americans look back on the Obama years and scratch their heads and wonder, how the hell did this happen?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. fbi looking for two white boys3:34 PM

    Remember, this is the same national security maven who was pushing the notion that this was a 'lone wolf bomber' for the Obama Regime even after every real expert at the scene said it was a coordinated team effort.

    weren't you the one calling this 'jihad' before the bodies had even hit the ground? pot meet kettle...

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I think the politically correct term is 'heterosexually challenged', LOL!
