
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Peter Beinart And His Anti-Zionist 'Open Zion' Get The Boot

Yes, Peter Beinart has been booted - uh, 'is leaving' The Daily Beast and taking his disgusting anti-Israel blog 'Open Zion' is no more:

His departure from Daily Beast, which was first reported by Mondoweiss, comes almost two months after founding editor Tina Brown announced she would be leaving the company. Open Zion, which was funded by New America Foundation, will cease to exist.

Ah, but there's always employment for an anti-Israel Jew:

UPDATE (3:26 p.m.): Atlantic spokesperson Emily Lenzner forwards the press release, which will be going out shortly (after the jump).

Washington, D.C. (November 4, 2013)—Political columnist, journalist, and author Peter Beinart will join Atlantic Media as a contributing editor, reporting for both National Journal and The Atlantic. Tim Grieve, editor-in-chief of National Journal, and James Bennet, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, jointly announced the addition of Beinart to their editorial teams, starting in January, 2014.

Not only that, but Israel's own anti-Zionist paper, Ha'aretz announced he'll be writing for them as well:         @haaretzcom
BREAKING: Author and journalist @PeterBeinart to join @haaretzcom as senior columnist from January 1, 2014

Yes, there's always employment for an anti-Israel Jew. The witch ain't quite dead, just relocated..and has taken his pungent aroma to a new location.

Ah, well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Re Peter Beinart op-ed and Haaretz saying July-14-2020 he doesn't go far enough.

    It's a club where whoever screams louder the A. slur, thinks is more special.
    Don't be fooled by phrasing it as suggestions. The term "liberal Zionists" has become more and more of an empty title.

    What all these "thinkers" won't divulge, is pragmatism. Since it doesn't make bumber-stickers. Or headline grabbing.

    There are many Israelis , who are--ready for this cliche?--concerned about life, survival. And don't put much thought or concerned into Zionism as ideology.
    This is not to say they deny historic ties to the land.
    Do these writers deny legitimate worry of entities (moderate or radical Apartheid Arab Palestine) that incite for, justify even glorify killing of Jews in Israel? Are they totally blind to genocidal Islamic Republic that doesn't even share any border, yet has its bloody hands full at the border and inside Israel?

    Want real pragmatic suggestions?
    Begin reforming 'Palestinian' education, as a start.
