
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Watcher's Council Weasel of The Week Nominations!!!

Hello and welcome to the Watcher's Council's new feature, 'Weasel Of The Week', where we award the golden plastic Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be publicly slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations and check back Thursday to see which Weasel gets the votes and walks off with the statuette of shame!

Here are this weeks' nominees:

Senator Elizabeth Warren!

The Noisy Room: In a speaking event at Tufts University Monday, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren told a “Holocaust refugee” that she thought it was "fair" to compare Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the Nazis’ treatment of the Jews in the Holocaust. Warren also walked back her previous statement that Israel had the right to defend itself by saying that the Gazans do as well and that her ultimate goal is ending war and establishing a two-state solution. Is there a category for 'fascist, anti-Semite weasel?' Just sayin'.

 'Personality' And Global Warming Activist Robert F.Kennedy Jr. !

Nice Deb: for getting a little  too hot and bothered at PJTV's Michelle Fields when she called him out
 on his hypocrisy at the climate rally in New York City, Sunday.

 Kennedy took great umbrage, waving his hands in front of her face, even grabbing at the young reporter's mic at one point.

 Pretty disgraceful behavior - even for a Kennedy.

RINO Squeaker Speaker Of The House John 'Mr. Flexy' Boehner!

 Virginia Right! : Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But often, the enemy of my enemy is simply another enemy.

John Boehner led the House to pass the appropriations for Obama's plan to arm and train "moderate" Syrian fighters, who are Muslims to fight other Muslims on behalf of America.

There is no way this turns out well for anyone but the "moderate" rebels who will soon turn the weapons on us, or hand them over to ISIS.

 The Right Planet: Speaker John Boehner for attempting a rule change to squelch dissent among more conservative members of the GOP, who he refers to as "knuckleheads." It sure would be nice to see folks like Boehner direct such vitriol at the Democrats, but apparently he's too spent after going after his own.

 Republican House Leaders John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise

The GOP "Establishment" Leadership!

Ask Marion : for passing the complete funding of Obamacare including funding Planned Parenthood and for distancing themselves and alienating the Republican base in a year that should be a wave election and risking loss of the House and Senate in the midterms.
Peter Gelb, Useful Idiot and Head of the NY Metropolitan Opera!

JoshuaPundit: for bringing Jew Hatred and 'anti-Zionism' into the cultural mainstream and for encouraging moral delinquency.

  Well, there it is! Are these worthy weasels or what? Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher's Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y'know?

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