
Friday, January 12, 2007

Watcher's Council Results, 1/12/07

The Council has spoken! A complete list of results can be found at the site of our fearless leader, Watcher of Weasels

This week, two very fine pieces tied for first, and the Watcher, as always in these situations served as tie breaker.

This week's winner is Done With Mirrors: Why is There Still a CIA? Callimachus' fine rant and capsule history of `The Company'. Congrats, Callimachus!

In second place was The COLOSSUS OF RHODEY: American Fascists Hube's fine dissection of a book by Chris Hedges which is in itself a fine example of intolerance and fascism onthe Left side of the aisle. Great job, Hube!

For non-Council, the winner was BLACKFIVE: A Strategy for the Long War

In second place was TigerHawk: Jimmy Carter and the business of quoting dictators

Hearty Kudos to all the winners!

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