
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues...9:12PM

WM: Updates, Rob?

RM: Yeah,Patty Murray has pulled back ahead in Washington over Dino Rossi. She's up by not quite 30,000 votes with 56% of the vote counted.

WM: That's gonna be a real branch hanger. All depends on whether King County'd been counted yet.

RM: You got that right. Also, Sharron Angle is down by about 28,000 votes Nevada with about 11.6% of the votes counted. Early days, but worrisome.

WM: Looky Pal, yesterday and today Harry Reid brought in a small army of union guys and Democratic operatives to get the vote out and fix what needs fixing, y'know? And may I remind you that Nevada has a Democrat as its Secretary of State? Politics, baby - the art of the possible.

RM: We'll see. On the positive side, Allen West in FL22 was one of the 42 seats the GOP picked up so far.

WM: Yeah , you been shilling for him for quite awhile.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie9:35 PM

    it's amusing that in illinois, kirk carried every county but cook.
    and in cook, G. beat him by exactly a 2:1 margin.
    kawinkeedink, 'ya think?
    not even all them dead people could do anything about that.

  2. louielouie9:59 PM

    damn, fox is showing nevada to reid.
    i wonder how west will fit in with the CBC?

  3. louielouie10:04 PM

    fox just showed the house going 223 for the repubs.
    now it's just how much can they pour it on.
