
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Live Blogging Continues...10:05PM

RM: Check this Monkey! Mark Kirk in Illinois and Pat Toomey in PA are projected winners!

WM: Somebody really screwed up in Chicago! And dammit, it could cost me money!Here's hoping somebody finds a box of ballots somewhere.

RM: Not only that, but Ken Buck is ahead in Colorado - by over 30,000 votes. So far, the GOP has picked up about 55 House seats, and there's more to come.

WM: I hear Sharron Angle and Carly Fiorina are toast.

RM: It looks that way, but I wouldn't bend over just yet..especially when it comes to Fiorina, although California, you know..

WM: SO it's 55 seats in the House and what, 6 Senate pickups?

RM: Yeah, but that's not counting Colorado or Washington.

WM: So I had it called right, a max of 8 seats?

RM: It looks that way, so far. But the night is still young.

WM: That's for sure!

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie10:42 PM

    the okla-5 race is pretty funny.
    that's mary fallin's old seat.
    she's da guvnah now.
    lankford has all the qualifications to be a US congressional representative, that hussein has to be in the oval office.
    not to mention the repubs are plenty pissed he beat their hand picked candidate in the primary, and is about as conservative as sullivan, okla-1, or dr. coburn.
    it's hard to go along with the throw the bumbs out theme, when your bumbs are the most conservative bumbs we got.

  2. louielouie10:50 PM

    monkey boy's girlpal in alaska doesn't seem to be doing too well.
    OTOH, the write-in vote seems to be carrying the day .............. whateverthehell that means.

  3. louielouie11:23 PM

    it appears the rocket scientist is going to be a rocket scientist for a while longer.

  4. Hi Louie,

    Grijalva VS.McClung is still pretty close.And in the Alaska race, their still going to have to analyze how many votes Murkowski actually got.
