It eliminates pretrial detention and any requirement for bail for what Governor Cuomo and the Democrats who now run both houses of state government call 'misdemeanor and non-violent felony cases.' It also makes any sort of prosecution for a number of crimes extremely difficult. Calling them 'non-violent misdemeanor crimes' not involving physical harm to victims is ridiculous. Many of them definitely involve potentially severe physical, emotional and psychological harm and in many cases lifetime damage.
Note the ones I highlight...
Here Are All The Crimes That Now Fall Under The Bail Reform Law:
- 2nd degree Burglary of a residence
- 2nd degree Burglary as a Hate Crime
- 3rd degree Burglary of a commercial building
- 3rd degree Burglary as a Hate Crime
- 2nd degree Robbery aided by another person
- 2nd degree Robbery as a Hate Crime
- 3rd degree Robbery
- Criminal sale of a controlled substance (multiple counts)
- Using a child to commit a controlled substance crime
- Criminal possession of a controlled substance (multiple counts)
- Criminal sale of a controlled substance in or near a school
- Criminal injection of a controlled substance into another person
- Criminal sale of a controlled substance to a child
- Criminal sale of a prescription for a controlled substance by a pharmacist
- Criminal possession or creation of Methamphetamines
- 3rd degree Assault
- 3rd degree Assault as a Hate Crime
- Reckless Assault of a child by a day care provider
- Reckless Assault of a child
- Stalking (multiple counts)
- Stalking as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Vehicular Assault (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Vehicular Assault
- Aggravated Assault on a child under 11 years-old
- Aggravated Assault on a child under 11 years-old as a Hate Crime
- Menacing (multiple counts)
- Menacing as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Reckless Endangerment (multiple counts)
- Promoting a suicide attempt
- 1st degree Stalking while committing a sex offense
- Criminal Obstruction of Breathing
- Criminally Negligent Homicide
- 2nd degree Vehicular Manslaughter
- Aggravated Vehicular Manslaughter
- 2nd degree Manslaughter
- Unlawful Imprisonment (multiple counts)
- Unlawful Imprisonment as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Labor Trafficking
- Custodial Interference (multiple counts)
- Substitution of children
- Coercion (multiple counts)
- Coercion as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Criminal Trespass (multiple counts)
- Criminal Trespass as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Possession of burglar’s tools
- Unlawful possession of a police scanner
- Criminal Mischief (multiple counts)
- Criminal Mischief as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Criminal Tampering (multiple counts)
- Cemetery Desecration (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Cemetery Desecration (multiple counts)
- Reckless Endangerment of property
- Tampering with a consumer product (multiple counts)
- Graffiti
- Possession of Graffiti tools
- 3rd degree Arson
- 4th degree Arson
- 5th degree Arson
- 3rd degree Arson as a Hate Crime
- 4th degree Arson as a Hate Crime
- 5th degree Arson as a Hate Crime
- Grand Larceny (multiple counts)
- Grand Larceny at a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Grand Larceny of an ATM
- Petit Larceny
- Petit Larceny as a Hate Crime
- Computer Tampering (multiple counts)
- Computer Trespass
- Unauthorized use of a computer
- Unlawful duplication of computer materials (multiple counts)
- Welfare Fraud (multiple counts)
- Criminal use of a public benefits card (multiple counts)
- Criminal possession of a public benefits card (multiple counts)
- Unauthorized use of a vehicle (multiple counts)
- Auto stripping (multiple counts)
- Theft of services
- Unauthorized use of a credit card
- Jostling
- Fraudulent Accosting
- Criminal Possession of Stolen Property (multiple counts)
- Forgery (multiple counts)
- Criminal possession of a forged instrument (multiple counts)
- Criminal possession of forgery devices
- Criminal possession of a Vehicle ID Number
- Forgery of a Vehicle ID Number
- Falsifying business records (multiple counts)
- Tampering with public records (multiple counts)
- Offering a false instrument for filing (multiple counts)
- Insurance Fraud (multiple counts)
- Health insurance fraud (multiple counts)
- Criminal diversion of prescription medications (multiple counts)
- Commercial bribery (multiple counts)
- Rent Gouging (multiple counts)
- Residential mortgage fraud (multiple counts)
- Aggravated identity theft (multiple counts)
- Bribery (multiple counts)
- Perjury (multiple counts)
- Bail jumping (multiple counts)
- Obstructing governmental administration (multiple counts)
- Obstructing governmental administration with a self-defense spray device
- Killing a Police Dog or Police Horse
- Obstructing emergency medical services
- Obstructing governmental services with a bomb
- Escape (multiple counts)
- Promoting prison contraband (multiple counts)
- Resisting arrest
- Hindering prosecution (multiple counts)
- Making a false sworn statement
- Bribing a witness
- Receiving a bribe as a witness
- Bribing a juror
- Receiving a bribe as a juror
- Providing a juror with a gratuity
- Tampering with a juror (multiple counts)
- Tampering with physical evidence
- Compounding a crime
- 1st degree Criminal Contempt – refusing to be sworn in as a witness
- 2nd degree Criminal Contempt
- ALL Gambling offenses
- ALL Prostitution offenses
- Providing indecent material in minors (multiple counts)
- Riot (multiple counts)
- Criminal Anarchy
- Harassment (multiple counts)
- Harassment as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Harassment (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Harassment as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Aggravated Harassment of an employee by an inmate
- Criminal nuisance (multiple counts)
- Falsely reporting a crime
- Pointing a laser at an aircraft (multiple counts)
- Harming a service animal (multiple counts)
- Public lewdness
- Illegal eavesdropping
- Dissemination of unlawful surveillance (multiple counts)
- Non-support of a child (multiple counts)
- Endangering the welfare of a child
- Assisting in female genital mutilation
- Endangering the welfare of an incompetent or physically disabled person
- Endangering the welfare of a vulnerable elderly person
- Endangering the welfare of a disabled person (multiple counts)
- Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child
- Possession of an obscene sexual performance by a child
- Promoting a sexual performance by a child
- Possessing a sexual performance by a child
- 4th degree Criminal possession of a weapon
- Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds
- Criminal possession of a firearm
- 3rd degree Criminal possession of a weapon
- Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon
- Unlawfully wearing a body vest
- Unlawfully fleeing a police officer in a vehicle (multiple counts)
- Enterprise corruption
- Money Laundering (multiple counts)
- Money Laundering in support of terrorism (multiple counts)
- Corrupting the government (multiple counts)
- Criminal solicitation (multiple counts)
- Conspiracy (multiple counts)
- Conspiracy as a Hate Crime (multiple counts)
- Criminal facilitation (multiple counts)
If you look at the list carefully, there are any number of these 'misdemeanors' capable of doing immense harm to people. And others that freely allow people to tamper with the justice system to make sure they can get off and can't be prosecuted.
It's absurd...unless you're a Left wing Democrat politician catering to the very demographic that votes for him or her.
You see, if you are a Left leaning Democrat and counting votes, it makes sense...especially if you are a cop hater like De Blasio.
For several months now, Hassidic Jews have been getting attacked on New York streets.Almost every incident has been caught on video from some street security camera system. Each and every video has proven shown that the attacker is not a White Supremacist.
Look carefully at the offenses above. Isn't it interesting that the new laws on immediate release with no bail or incarceration pushed through by Democrats mostly effect demographics they depend on for votes? And victimize groups that predominantly vote Republican these religious Orthodox Jews?
There has been a whole spate of violent attacks on Orthodox Jews in neighborhoods like Queens, Crown Heights and other parts of Brooklyn. And any number of vandalizing of Jewish cemeteries, synagogues and other Jewish community buildings. And violent attacks like the one in Monsey that involved a machete bearing African-American man attacking a party in a Rabbi's home on Hanukkah, a brick dropped from a building that killed a prominent Jewish woman in the community, and numerous examples of the knockout game, where elderly Jews are targeted for beatings.
Almost all of these crimes have been committed by a certain demographic.
The Pew Research Polling Institute polled American of every ethnic group except Muslims (I wonder why) and found that African Americans were the most likely to swallow anti-Jewish stereotypes of any American ethnicity they polled.
Remember, most of the victims are Orthodox Jews and are very visible because of their dress. As such, they're a perfect sacrifice to cater to certain African Americans, and to some groups of Latinos and Muslims..why else do you think that rioting, vandalizing cemeteries and female genital mutilation are among the crimes which free perpetrators immediately? In addition not only are these crimes eligible, but any crimes including assaults, including sexual assaults and assaults on kids and manslaughter that are judged to be 'hate crimes' are exempt as well. 'Hate crimes' carry additional penalties. Apparently some folks are immune and others will be charged just because they don't belong to certain groups and defended themselves.
And to add an extra bit of salt to the wound, these laws were constructed to make prosecution for these offenses extremely difficult. After all, perjury, bribing a witness, destroying physical evidence, and bribing a witness or a juror now effectively have no penalty, since you can do any of these things now and walk away free as a bird.
And since the perps are walking around free and their victims identity and addresses are no longer secret, there's nothing to stop them from accosting the victims with threats as to what will happen to them and their loved ones if they don't drop the charges. Or to approach witnesses with a similar message to convince them to forget what they saw.
The idea here is quite obvious. To get lots of potential Democrat voters out of jail and keep them there. And to get as many Jews as possible out of their traditional neighborhoods. And it's working. A lot of Jews who have lived in these areas for generations are leaving, especially in Brooklyn.
The solution? It isn't whining about anti-semitism, holding candlelight vigils or believing the garbage that comes out of the mouths of people like Mayor De Blasio or Governor Cuomo. It doesn't come from police patrols or additional security guards who won't be around forever. Trust me on that.
And especially, it doesn't come from passive acceptance.
What ends this sort of thing is when the sort of human beings who enjoy committing these crimes, actually fear some sort of consequences. At this point, there aren't any, especially now that this new law is being applied.
But an armed populace willing to provide some consequences can end this quite quickly. A wannabe serial killer who walked into a Texas church found this out recently. He won't have to worry about bail or incarceration anymore. Or much of anything else. The congregation won't have to worry about him either. Amazing how a lead injection takes care of this sort of thing, once and for all.

New York's Jews, if not Jews everywhere should take a lesson from the story of Hanukkah they recently celebrated. Until the Jews started fighting back, they were viciously persecuted by their Seleucid Greek rulers. Once that started, things changed.
Thankfully, some Jews already taken have that message to heart.
"When you are disarmed, you are not only defenseless but despised" -Machiavelli