The president's blatant political gambit to overshadow the September 7th GOP debates by broadcasting another of his pedantic speeches in a live joint session of Congress on the same night at the same time ended in utter failure when Speaker John Boehner and Senator Jim DeMint refused to cave in and simply rejected President Obama's request to address the joint session on the night of Sept. 7th, inviting him to speak the next night instead.
Boehner was at least polite about it , saying that Sept. 8th would be better "so we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks."
The White House finally caved because there was no choice but didn't return the courtesy. Predictably, they tried to spin this as proof the Republicans could care less about jobs. Get a load of this nonsense:
“Today, the President asked to address the Congress about the need for urgent action on the economic situation facing the American people as soon as Congress returned from recess. Both Houses will be back in session after their August recess on Wednesday, September 7th, so that was the date that was requested. We consulted with the Speaker about that date before the letter was released, but he determined Thursday would work better. The President is focused on the urgent need to create jobs and grow our economy, so he welcomes the opportunity to address a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday, September 8th and challenge our nation's leaders to start focusing 100% of their attention on doing whatever they can to help the American people."
I had to laugh at that. Where was the urgency before King Putt went on his plutocrat-style vacay to Martha's Vineyard?
Nevertheless, a number of the president's media shills tried to push that narrative, accusing the Republicans of being uncaring about the issue of jobs - and failed miserably.
The GOP debate has been scheduled for a long time. Obama obviously chose the date and the airtime deliberately as political warfare. Just as a coincidence, it's also Rick Perry's first outing in a debate. And it's suddenly the GOP who are using the issue of jobs as a partisan politics?
It was perfectly reasonable for the GOP to counteract this obvious strategy in the way they did.
And besides...who wants to listen to 90 minutes of outright lies, platitudes, blame and class warfare nonsense coming from this president via three overworked teleprompters?
Government doesn't 'create' jobs anyway. They merely contribute to a climate of economic growth by a policy of lower taxes and regulation, something you know this president hasn't a clue about and would never endorse anyway even if he did.
Most people would rather listen to serious people actually talking about solutions to what the Democrats have done to our economy since they took control of Congress in 2006 than another lame rehash of failed 'ideas' from President Obama. Boehner actually did the president a favor by saving him from the embarrassment of getting wiped out in the ratings.
And speaking of ratings, as an added bonus, those of you who want to avoid the president's lame gibberish entirely and are sports fans have the opportunity to watch the New Orleans Saints take on the Green Bay Packers in their season opener on September 8th. Game time is 8:30PM Eastern.
I'd be surprised if the game's ratings didn't eclipse the president's.
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