This song, "Stiff Upper Lip" was written by Byron De La Vandal. it is about the UK in the 21st century and reflects the emotion of quite a few people in the UK in view of their government's inaction against Islamist terrorism and subversion.
After failing to thwart two terror attacks that have occurred in the U.K. so far this year – both of which were carried out by suspected jihadis who were known to U.K. authorities – intelligence agencies have identified 23,000 potential jihadis living in Britain, according to a report published in the Times of London on Saturday.
Out of that total, 3,000 are suspected of posing an “imminent threat” and are being investigated accordingly, the Times reports. Meanwhile, the other 20,000 have been involved with past investigations and have been categorized as posing a “residual risk.”
Those MI5 figures were confirmed by UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd the following day on Andrew Marr's BBC show.
I personally bet this is a low ball estimate, based on the UK's law enforcement agencies previous desire to ignore Islamist extremism for the sake of political correctness. And even at that, these men and women are still free, even the 3,000 who pose an imminent threat.
More proof that MI5 is likely underestimating the nature of the problem is the fact that both Manchester attacker Salman Abedi and Westminster killer Khalid Masood were in a pool of “former subjects of interest” and were no longer the subject of surveillance efforts, the Times reported. Abedi, a 23-year-old whose parents immigrated to the U.K. from Libya, killed 22 kids, in addition to himself, when he detonated a bomb just as attendees of a concert by American singer Ariana Grande were rushing for the exits following her concert.
Is it any wonder that hideous attacks like the one on the Finsbury Mosque in London are occurring as people see their government as ineffectual in providing even basic public safety from Islamist terrorism? That some people are likely to take matters into their own hands?
By an odd coincidence, a motion picture is premiering soon that is based on one of Britain's finest hours, Dunkirk. In 1940, when France fell to the Nazis, the British expeditionary force was trapped on the beaches at Dunkirk with their backs to the sea, subject to artillery and tank attacks from the land and strafing and bombing from the Luftwaffe. To rescue their army, the British pulled off an amazing feat of heroism. They sent everything that could float across the channel to pick up the stranded troops - naval vessels, tug boats, even pleasure boats and yachts captained by civilians who volunteered and jauntily sailed their boats into fire and shell. As Churchill put it afterwards, "The little ships of England brought the Army home." And the rescued soldier became the core of the British Army who helped defeat Hitler.
Does that spirit still exist in Britain? Does it still live there? Byron De La Vandal's "Stiff Upper Lip" and the accompanying video seems to indicate that it does and will surface in the end. Time will tell. In any event, it seems that things are going down to the wire.
Crossposted on WoW! Magazine.
Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com and other publications.
Follow him on Twitter here and on Facebook
1 comment:
I have always said that as the situation in Europe continues to degenerate, you will see more and more people taking matters into their own hands and arming themselves against the Jihadis and other trash in defiance of existing European laws.
Mexico is known for its absurd laws (For example, Hunting rifles in designated military cartridges, such 30.06, .308 Win, .223, 7.62x39 and 7x57 are verboten), but Mexican civilians have been arming up and fighting back against the cartels in defiance of the law.
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