When Boris Johnson first became the UK's Prime Minister, my original opinion was that he would finally see Brexit completed, deal with the migration problem and put the UK back on the right path. Yes, he fooled me too, although given the alternative of a Labour Party with anti-semitic Jeremy Corbyn, Boris Johnson was the best choice available.
It has turned out that the difference isn't all that much, really.
Bojo has done little or nothing to deal with the UK's problem with violent migrants. In fact, none other then Nigel Farage has actually filmed the UK authorities allowing boatloads of Muslim migrants shipped across the Channel by France into Britain with virtually no vetting.
Crime in London continues to skyrocket, and Mayor Sadiq Kahn of course has done little or nothing to stop it. Nor have London's police, who are obviously under orders not to do so. Just recently, the Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters took a large part of the city apart.

Enoch Powell
In the latest dust up, the mob was allowed by the police to do quite a bit of beating down on anyone they wanted to as well as a lot of looting and destruction, vandalizing statues of Queen Victoria, Lord Nelson, one of King James II, George Washington and Winston Churchill as well as a number of historic buildings like the Cenotaph War memorial, The National Gallery, The police essentially ran away as themob chanted "Run piggy run.". Those who attempted to stop the carnage were assaulted by the mob which had no fear of them at all.
And why would they? London’s assistant commissioner for police Anil Kanti “Neil” Basu said he would “probably” have joined Black Lives Matter protests himself if he was not a police officer. That even though 60 of his police officers were injured by the rioters, some of them quite seriously.
And Boris Johnson's comment on the vandalizing of a statue of one of Britain's greatest leaders? "Churchill sometimes expressed opinions that were and are unacceptable today.”
Like perhaps Churchill's assessment of Islam? Sheer cowardice on Bojo's part, but this fits in with Mayor Kahn's new campaign to 'diversify the landmarks of London.' And believe,that's not all that's being 'diversified' in London as well as other cities in Britain.
And remember Boris Johnson's talking about a new and better relationship with Israel? Don't bet on it. He's proved himself to be basically a more sophisticated and smoother version of Jeremy Corbyn.
His latest stunt is to join other hostile EU countries in threatening Israel with sanctions if Israel applies Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and parts of Judea and Samaria where Israeli cities exist..the opposite of what he said before.
MP Crispin Blunt, a member of Bojo's own party put this together in collusion with something called the Council for Arab British Understanding. There's no question this was done with Bojo's consent.
Blunt was one of 130 British parliamentarians who signed a letter to Johnson in May urging him to impose sanctions on Israel if it moved ahead with its sovereignty plan.
Bojo's remarks at question time about this? Here they are:
“I believe that what is proposed by Israel would amount to a breach of international law and we strongly object to it, and we believe profoundly in a two-state solution and will continue to make that case.”
Sanctions then?
My, my! First of all, Israel didn't propose this. President Trump did as part of his peace plan.
Second, according to international law, ALL of Judea and Samaria (AKA the West Bank to the uninitiated) belongs to Israel. And Britain happily signed on to that.
In 1922, Britain, as the Mandatory Power appointed by the League of Nations decided to ask for permission to divide the Palestine Mandate into two parts, one for a Jewish state the other for an Arab state because they wanted to reward Abdullah, one of the sons of the Hashemite Sharif of Mecca with a kingdom.*
This new treaty,the San Remo Accords was ratified between Britain,the League, the Jews and the Arabs, It stated that the Jews would receive everything west of the Jordan River (22%) and the Arabs would get everything east of the Jordan River(78%). The Brits made sure the new Arab kingdom, named Trans-Jordan was quickly created. After which they went out of their way to prevent the creation of a Jewish state in numerous ways.
The most disgraceful of these was to prevent Jews from migrating to Palestine while allowing unlimited Arab migration. In 1939, Neville Chamberlain, a known anti-semite issued an order not to let any Jews into Palestine at all... at a time when thousands of Jewish refugees who had fled to France and other countries had nowhere else to go. He also appointed a rabid Jew hater and Nazi Ally, Amin al-Husseini as leader of the Palestinian Arabs. During WWII, when Israel's Jews fought with the Allies, Husseini was in Europe recruiting Bosnian Muslims for Hitler's armies and translating Mein Kamph into Arabic.
After WWII, when Labour's Clem Atlee took over, he made the decision to allow Husseini back into Palestine. At the same time, the Brits were still not allowing Jews into Palestine, and even had their own concentration camp on Cyprus for any survivors of the Holocaust they caught trying to get in, and in some cases, they even sent Jews back to the very same camps in Europe they had been imprisoned in.
In 1948, when Israel declared its independence the UN recognized it, although Britain didn't. The UN also made the San Remo Accords part of its charter, in Article 80.
So according to international law, the area in question all belongs to Israel.
When the Arabs made it very plain in 1948 that they intended a jihad to get rid of the Jews, the UK, which when it pulled out left a number of strategic areas like the Taggart forts in Arab hands They also armed the Arab nations involved and in the case of Jordan, even sent officers to command them under Colonel John Glubb, a notorious anti-semite. In other words, three years after Auschwitz was liberated, the Brits were aiding and abetting what could have become a second Holocaust.
As for the two state solution, aside from the fact that's already been tried and has utterly failed, there is no reason for it since Jordan exists and most of the Arabs who started calling themselves 'Palestinians' after the'67 war have Jordanian citizenship, including the so-called refugees, They've had it since 1954, courtesy of Jordan's parliament. And that includes Mahmoud Abbas.
If the Brits want to give these people a country so much, perhaps they should hand them a piece their country. Why not? Parts of it are already filled with Muslims, there are already sharia courts, more mosques than churches, honor killings, sex grooming gangs, acid throwing etc. and the Brits don't seem disposed to change any of that.So they'd be right at home
As for Boris Johnson, he's essentially just another Theresa May with a penis.
He is obviously not the solution to what's ailing Britain, although it seemed like it at the time.
It's obvious to me that the solution is more like this....and I hope the Brits wake up.

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit.
His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington
Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics,
The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.
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