From this to this....👇
The American Dream has always been to own a home of your own in a decent neighborhood.
Do you own a home? Like your neighborhood? Guess what? The 2020 election will decide if you are able to keep your home and what happens to your neighborhood.
The radical Left which now controls the Democrat Party has some plans for your home and your neighborhood if they get elected.
Let's start with Joe Biden's 2020 platform. It calls for ending suburban American communities by flooding them with forced low-income housing into every neighborhood and flooding them with immigrants, legal or otherwise.
This is the
Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations, which would give
instant amnesty and a pathway to U.S. citizenship for the 22 million
illegal aliens now living in America. And guess what, it would also
give legal status to any 'refugees' that want to come here whether their claims are legitimate or not.
But wait, there's more.
The Biden platform will also put Barack Hussein Obama's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rules into practice. It would force communities receiving any federal funding, including FEMA disaster aid to abide by strict rules mandating "proactively examine housing patterns and identify and address policies that have discriminatory effects.”
The AFFH was a rule added by former President Barack Obama to the 1968 Fair Housing Act. Once revived by Joe Biden if he's elected, it is going to radically undercut the political and economic Independence of America’s suburbs...and that includes your neighborhood.
Or in other words, if your neighborhood doesn't pass their mandatory diversity test, (and I'm sure you can imagine what that entails) you will be forced to do so...and this could include eminent domain on private houses, including yours, to ensure that they're available for the government's preferred groups. Need I say more?
President Trump managed to curtail and make certain reforms to most of this, but
of course those changes would all be rolled back in a Biden administration.
Think I'm kidding?

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
attacked “homeowners” just yesterday, saying that they are hurting people that can’t
afford to own land. Her rant comes as her fellow squad member congresswoman Rep.
Ilhan Omar proposed a bill that would strip property owners of their
property if the federal government deems it necessary.
The law will put control of nearly every small town, local, municipal,
and state powers and responsibilities under the power of federal
control. That includes schools, police, housing and much more. It
destroys zoning laws. If local governments don’t go along, the
government will cut off all funds and very probably will use the Biden Department of Justice to file suit aganst communities and evenindividual home owners to make them comply.
bill would also cancel all rent and mortgage payments regardless of
income or employment throughout the duration of the Corona pandemic.
And a fund would be created “to fully finance
the purchase of private rental properties by non-profits, public
housing authorities, cooperatives, community land trusts, and states or
local governments — in order to increase the availability of affordable
housing . Guess who's going to pay for are especially if you own a home. You are.
As socialists and communists like to say, 'Property is Theft...unless it belongs to us'!
You see, the Left doesn't like single family housing. They want people in multi family dwellings to give them more control of how you live. Essentially, they see middle class homeowners as Kulaks.*
The platform also states Biden would: “Ensure effective and rigorous
enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and the Home Mortgage Disclosure
Act. Hold financial institutions accountable for discriminatory
practices in the housing market.
As the platform states:
"Democrats will vigorously enforce the Fair Housing Act and the Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act and hold lenders accountable for discriminatory
practices. We will use the federal government to enforce settlements
against discriminatory lenders, and require communities to proactively
review housing patterns and remedy local policies that have a
discriminatory effect. Democrats will give local elected officials tools
and resources to combat gentrification, penalize predatory lending
practices, and maintain homeownership, including exploring targeted
rental relief when exorbitant rent increases force long-term residents
from their communities and tackling persistent racial bias in appraisals
that contributes to the racial wealth gap.
As someone who made a successful career in Real Estate, allow me to translate what this will mean.
Home loans used to be underwritten based on the borrower's credit record, what were known as 'ratios' meaning what the amount of the mortgage payments would add to already existing debt the borrower had and whether the borrower would b e able to afford to make all of his payments and not default. Another factor was the borrower's overall credit record...things like consistent late payments, items at collection agencies, foreclosures, repos, things like that. Job history and length of time on the job would also be looked at. In other words, to avoid having to foreclose, lenders would underwrite to make sure the borrower was likely to repay the loan and had the income to afford to pay the mortgage along with any other debts they had. It was sound, common sense and it worked.
That ended thanks to changes in the laws during the Clinton and Obama Administrations that forced lenders to make loans to people who didn't meet sound underwriting standards and had poor credit. These new standards were based a great deal on exactly what the Biden platform plans to base it on....the borrower's race and/or ethnicity. As I'm sure you'll remember, this led to a lot of bad loans and foreclosures. And when these bad loans were bundled with other loans and sold on the secondary market (Which is what banks do with them normally) it contributed a great deal to the 2008 recession. And the banks didn't pay for it, you did. President Barack Hussein Obama simply raised the maximum amount Government financed FHA and similar loans could be financed at to allow a lot of these bad loans to be refinanced at little cost to the owners, but at the expense of the taxpayers.
Let's look at the rest.
'Gentrification' merely means that as a neighborhood gets nicer and more desirable, the price to live there increases. The Biden plan is to allow Left wing goons like the current mayors of various blue controlled cities like Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles legal tools to prevent those neighborhoods they and their cronies don't live in from becoming nice and desirable places to live. What they will use is forced low income multi family dwellings, housing projects, mandatory rent control where it doesn't already exist and eminent domain to take over houses occupied by people they feel aren't entitled to 'privilege.' They will then use their own city employed appraisers to decide what the owners will be paid and I guarantee you, it will be less than market value. Some of this has already occured in some Blue run cities.
Picture how your own your own neighborhood will change once this goes into effect. Living in the same area with a housing project and what that usually brings in terms of crime, vandalism, a drop in property values and a general lower standard of living...and especially think about it in terms of defunding your police department, something that's also on the way if these people get in power.
A Trump administration might abrogate this. A Biden Administration assuredly won't.
Even though the voters in California voted down a proposition on the ballot for mandatory rent control, the Democrat controlled state legislators simply voted it into law. Ask anyone you know who lives there how hard it is to find housing. Also, since the new Biden program will be exploring targeted
rental relief when exorbitant rent increases force long-term residents
from their communities. In other words, if you have rental
property you will not be able to decide what your property will rent
for, whom you may rent it to or whether you can increase the rent to compensate for increased
property taxes. Which are definitely on the way
Another thing about appraisers...notice this: tackling persistent racial bias in appraisals
that contributes to the racial wealth gap.
Appraisers are trained and licensed professionals. They use standardized methods to come to an opinion of value which includes using other similar property sales in the area to determine value of the property in question, and they are strictly regulated. What the new Biden platform plans to do is to force them to lower sales values so that the favored ethnicity can buy your house...because it's racist for you to own property anyway, right? And of course you will have to settle for what these diversity appraisers say your property is worth, even if the house next door almost exactly like yours sold for a lot more before the Dems took over.
This is part of what's at stake in the next election among other things. Think about it when you vote, not just for president but for congress and your state legislators and governors. Your home and your neighborhood are at stake.
*Kulaks are what the Communists called the prosperous middle classes of professionals, artisans, shop keepers and wealthy and successful farmers who employed hired labor or their own possessed
farm machinery. They were treated as oppressors and class enemies and were forced to give up their 'privilege.'
Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The
Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los
Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco
Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com,
Yediot and other publications
If they win, then none of this actually matters and why would anybody care?
i'm a former commenter/follower of JP.
sorry to contact you in this format. i have a couple of questions to ask you.
i used to live in tulsa, but retired about five years ago.
my name is louie.
if you get this, and have the time, send me an email.
hope all has been well with you.
Allors, Chinois...I disagree, obviously..Perhaps you don't care, but I love my country and don't want it turned into Venezuela North.
Louie, your email has changed. Please post another comment with your correct email so I can contact you. Obviously it won't be published. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
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