Only MSNBC would headline this stuff as 'cheers.'
San Fran Nan gets her corrupt behind booed offstage!
There's a real poetic justice in seeing the Democrats, who have so often orchestrated violent chaos as a political tool being forced to eat a huge meal of it themselves. Especially when it was the Republican convention in Cleveland that was supposed to be the scene of mass riots and protests.
Bernie Sanders tepidly endorsing Hillary Clinton was bad enough as far as his followers were concerned. Now that the Wikileaks emails have surfaced and they see how the DNC had the whole system rigged for her from the very beginning and the dirty tricks they used to keep it that way, they're outraged. Bernie supporters have hit the streets in massive numbers in protest...and one thing I saw that warmed my heart was hundreds of them chanting 'Lock her up!' about Mrs. Clinton, just like their Republican counterparts.
She may have avoided prison in one of the sleaziest, most disgraceful episodes in American political history, but in the court of public opinion, she's guilty as hell except among the True Believers and the bought and paid for.
Aside from revealing the dirty tricks used to torpedo Bernie Sanders, the e-mails revealed in full detail exactly how much cynical disdain the the movers and shakers of the Democrat party have for the people and special interest groups they pretend to care about. Jim Hofts at Gateway Pundit has a rundown of links:
DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
DNC making fun of black woman's name.
DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.
DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”
DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.
$200k for a private dinner with Hillary.
Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.
Faking outrage and pasting in a video later.
A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign.
Bringing up Sanders religion to scare anti-semitic voters.
(Lots more at Gateway Pundit.)
Of course, Dumb Debbie took the heat as fall girl and resigned as DNC head, but most people know that she was only following orders like a Good German. It hasn't cooled things down at all.
And the same prog fascist tactics are still in evidence now, even after the DNC's 'apology'. DNC operatives are roaming all over the arena seizing any 'Bernie' signs they can find, and the DNC even twisted Bernie's arm to text his young minions and beg them not to protest on the convention floor. So far, it hasn't done any good at all...Bernie Sanders lit a fire even he can't control any more.
One amusing sidelight is the fantasy of certain #neverTrump Ready For Hillary maniacs that Putin is behind the Wikileaks release to help Donald Trump. Such conspiracy theories are always amusing,but this one's hysterically funny. Vladimir Putin would love to see Hillary elected. She's corrupt, not too bright and if she becomes troublesome in the least, all he has to do is slide a folder towards her containing copies of some of the juicy e-mails the Russians hacked from her private unsecured server to blackmail her into subservience.
Much of this stuff likely came from her unprotected illegal server anyway along with a lot of classified and secret material Putin's still holding on to. And the e-mails were all real weren't they? Even the DNC admitted as much.
Another hilarious meme is how cluelessly the Democrats revealed how their actions belied everything they supposed stand for:
Basic love of country and patriotism? Flags from every country you could imagine, but not a single American flag at the convention until the Republicans and various journalists pointed it out.
Security? Not one of the Democrat speakers even mentioned ISIS or terrorism.
Compassion for the poor? The Republicans donated their leftover food to various food banks. The Democrats? They threw theirs out.
And of course, the Wikileaks revelations and their chosen candidate have told us a great deal of how the DNC regards 'transparency' honesty in government, respect for law and how they really feel about those special interest groups they pretend to champion. I especially liked the one where the Democrats' refer to conning Latinos as "taco bowl outreach."
Heck tomorrow night's speaker if none other than serial sex abuser Bill Clinton! And of course, Hillary's plan to continue Obama's importation of unvetted Muslim 'refugees' on steroids ought to make any LGBT person with a functioning brain vote against her, as well as young women who don't like the idea of being raped.
And in the midst of all this, we have Bernie Sanders who only know realizes how rigged the game was from the start for Hillary, and decided to swallow it and endorse her.
I almost have to feel sorry for Bernie Sanders, but not too much. There he was, speaking at the convention, begging his followers to vote for Hillary...and getting booed harshly as a sellout:
Of course, there are rewards for selling your soul to the Clintons. Bernie Sanders, 'man of the people' just received a brand new $172,000 sports car from somebody. Check out Bernie's new ride!
Bernie supporters, remember the wise words of Johnny Rotten:
Yeah, you've been sold out big time. Your idol just told you, this is the real world and that means money talks.
The real fun, of course, will come when Mrs Clinton has to address the convention, which includes over a thousand angry Bernie Sanders delegates. The DNC might be able to drag off any protesters but delegates?
That's all Mrs. Clinton needs, especially after Donald Trump threw out a strong, direct appeal to the Bernie supporters in his speech last week. Like blacks and Latinos, a surprising number of Bernie supporters may just secretly pull the lever for Trump in the privacy of the voting booth. And a lot of others will simply stay home and nurse their hurt feelings, or vote for the Green Party.
I expect the usual suspects to manufacture a 'bounce' for Hillary in the post convention polls, but I think for once, her karma is catching up with her.
Stay tuned...
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