We bleed again, along with France. And Marianne, the symbol of the French Republic weeps...along with the civilized world. But the shame is ours.
How many more of these atrocities are we going to allow? How long will we put up with it as business as usual, as part of daily life? When will we realize that those stupid candlelight vigils, hashtags and banners are meaningless drivel?
When is the civilized world going to revolt against this slaughter? And when will we insist that our craven, smug incompetent leaders stop tolerating this madness in the name of 'diversity' and stop importing this contagion to our shores? Are we deaf, dumb and blind? Or slaves?
Enough. By G-d, enough.
Welcome to the Watcher's Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the 'sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday morning.
Council News:
The Watcher's Council will have an exciting, brand new development to announce in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
This week, The People's Cube,Simply Jews and Creeping Sharia earned honorable mention status with some great articles.
You can, too! Want to see your work appear on the Watcher’s Council homepage in our weekly contest listing? Didn’t get nominated by a Council member? No worries.
To bring something to my attention, simply head over to Joshuapundit and post the title and a link to the piece you want considered along with an e-mail address (mandatory, but of course it won't be published) in the comments section no later than Monday 6PM PST in order to be considered for our honorable mention category. Then return the favor by creating a post on your site linking to the Watcher’s Council contest for the week when it comes out on Wednesday morning
Simple, no?
It's a great way of exposing your best work to Watcher’s Council readers and Council members while grabbing the increased traffic and notoriety. And how good is that, eh?
So, let's see what we have for you this week....
Council Submissions
- Joshuapundit-A Message For France - And For Us
- Stately McDaniel Manor – Time For A Little Paranoia?
- The Glittering Eye -Can We Live With Terrorism?
- Bookworm Room – The Devil And Gun Control
- Puma By Design – Casting call for extras, actors during Cleveland RNC violence
- The Daley Gator – Newt Gingrich is right about Sharia Law, and why he is short-sighted
- The Razor – Goth Inside
- VA Right! - Was McAuliffe’s Appointment of Roush to the Va Supreme Court Related to his Convict Voting Order?
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Valkyrie
Honorable Mentions
- The People's Cube - Living with Moderate Muslims: the board game
- Simply Jews - Another sad confirmation of Golda Meir's quote validity
- Creeping Sharia - Is Govt Paying Security Firms to Hire Muslim Immigrants to Guard Critical Infrastructure?
Non-Council Submissions
- Intellectual Froglegs – Guilty As Hill submitted by Joshuapundit
- City Journal –The Fire Spreads submitted by Stately McDaniel Manor
- Captain Capitalism – Traits are No Substitutes for Accomplishments submitted by The Glittering Eye
- The College Fix-Professor rejects Marxism after traveling the globe: ‘Socialism doesn’t work’submitted by Bookworm Room
- Daniel Greenfield/Front Page Magazine –How the Media Covers Up Muslim and #BlackLivesMatter Terrorism submitted by Puma By Design
- Heat Street -Elizabeth Warren Has A Bullying Problem, But No One Cares because She's Not A Mansubmitted by The Daley Gator
- Jason Willick/The American Interest –The Make-Believe Supreme Court and the Coming Constitutional Crisis submitted by The Razor
- Allen West – While liberals FREAK about Melania, LOOK what we caught Obama doing…submitted by VA Right!
- The National Interest – Everything You Need to Know About Russia's Lethal Tank Force submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- Scott Adams @ Dilbert.Com – Cop Killers Versus Racists submitted by The Watcher
- Michael Walsh/New York Post – 3 Things Trump could learn from Nixon’s 1968 campaign submitted by The Watcher
- Gavin McInnes/Taki's Magazine – Oops, We Started A Race War submitted by The Watcher
Enjoy! And don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us Twitter..'cause we're cool like that!And don't forget to tune in Friday for the results!
On one of your blog recommendations, you misspelled the author, I believe:
"Gavin McCleod/Taki's Magazine – Oops, We Started A Race War submitted by The Watcher"
That should be Gavin McInnes (were you thinking of the great star of "Love Boat"...?).
That essay by Gavin is very good; thanks for steering me that way!
You're entirely correct. I realized that this AM and fixed it.
There's always great stuff at the Watcher's Council.
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